現在買 (拉斯维加斯) 房的五大理由:5 GOOD REASONS TO BUY VEGAS HOUSES NOW!!!
ECO Properties你知道拉斯維加斯的租賃住宅,目前每年的回報率
(從$75,000美元才開始) 高達10%左右!?!?已全面翻新, 房大地大, 華埠附近的房子(3室2浴2車庫)不收HOA費, 無游泳池 http://www.16891689.com/ECO Properties
1=拉斯維加斯現在的中等房間比1996年的時候還要低:“ 如果你是1996年在拉斯維加斯買的房子, 你的房子今天也成了落水
2=因為近期金價飛漲,人們認為是最佳的投資。 如果你在1980買進金子它的價格上漲了118%。 但是如果1980年你買了一個
中等價位的房子它的價格漲了207%。 買房子以二比一的比率勝過買金子。
3=在未來的60天內,Fannie Mae 和 Freddie Mac將會要從巨型貸款市場撤出,因此貸款利息將由上漲。
5=現在就是買房的好時候:“從現在開始,過許多年後, 當我們回過頭來看也許會後悔為設麼自己當初沒有買房”。
1) •The median price of a Las Vegas home is lower today than in 1996: "If you bought your home in '96 in Las
Vegas, you are under water today."
2) •Because of the huge run up in gold prices recently, people see it as a great investment. If you bought
gold in 1980, it's gone up 118%. But if you bought a median priced home in 1980, it's up 207%. Housing
"outperforms gold as an investment two-to-one."
3) •During the next 60 days, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will exit the jumbo loan market. That will cause
interest rates to go up.
4) •On proposed requirements that homebuyers make 20% down payments: "We cannot sustain a 70% homeownership
rate in the U.S. … Some people should not own a home."
5) •Now is the time to buy real estate: "Years from now, we'll look back and slap ourselves for not buying
real estate. … Now is the time."