Floyd Lamb公園旁 $15萬買新房
這批格局美好的新屋社區,區內有三座泳池,三座社區公園,兒童遊樂園,蔭涼野餐區,每戶的月管理費僅 $66元,房屋建坪從1,242平方呎至2,119平方呎,都有二車庫。建商是規模很大的著名公司,所有新屋都是「一切全包」,不是每樣都要加價升級的那種。
拉斯維加斯西北這座州立公園Floyd Lamb State Park,公園內有三個大湖泊,是南內華達州釣客夏季在樹蔭下垂釣的好去處,公園內有廣大的綠地及散步路徑,並且有座早年全美最出名的「離婚婦女莊」,
喜愛買農夫市場蔬果的人士,每月的第一及第三個星期六上午10時至下午2時,Floyd Lamb State Park內開設農夫市場,凡是入園逛農夫市場者,可憑購買後印章退還門票費用。
此外,拉斯維加斯最出名的吉爾奎斯果園(Gilcrease Orchard)及鳥園,也都在附近,果園每年6月起清晨開放至中午,讓民眾前往進入園內摘樹上的水果,果園占地140英畝,種有桃樹、杏樹、蘋果樹等,菜圃內有許多瓜果蔓藤,採摘樂趣無窮。
Yes I have a 1845 sq ft for $198,990 Homesite 222
1646 Homesite 804 $175,990
1646 Homesite 850 $175,990
and some three story homes at $220,990
Northwest- Pre-Model Pricing - Phase 1 Centennial Area |
3 Community Pools
1498 Sq Ft
3 Bed, 2.5 bath, 2 Car
COE September
2-story, Raised Panel Cabs, Blinds, All Kitchen Appliances (including refrigerator & microwave), Washer & Dryer, Home Automation System, Super Electrical Package, Raised Panel Interior Doors, Upgraded Lighting, Upgraded Faucets and Fixtures, Coach Lights, Garage Door Opener.** Possible Lift Program** 3 Community Pools
1646 Sq Ft
3 Bed, 2.5 bath, 2 Car
COE September
2-story, Raised Panel Cabs, Blinds, All Kitchen Appliances (including refrigerator & microwave), Washer & Dryer, Home Automation System, Super Electrical Package, Raised Panel Interior Doors, Upgraded Lighting, Upgraded Faucets and Fixtures, Coach Lights, Garage Door Opener.** Possible Lift Program** 3 Community Pools
1818 Sq Ft
3 Bed, 2.5 bath, 2 Car
COE September
3-story, Raised Panel Cabs, Blinds, All Kitchen Appliances (including refrigerator & microwave), Washer & Dryer, Home Automation System, Super Electrical Package, Raised Panel Interior Doors, Upgraded Lighting, Upgraded Faucets and Fixtures, Coach Lights, Garage Door Opener.3 Community Pools
2114 Sq Ft
3 Bed, 2.5 bath, 2 Car
COE September
3-story, Raised Panel Cabs, Blinds, All Kitchen Appliances (including refrigerator & microwave), Washer & Dryer, Home Automation System, Super Electrical Package, Raised Panel Interior Doors, Upgraded Lighting, Upgraded Faucets and Fixtures, Coach Lights, Garage Door Opener. |
Read more:世界新聞網-北美華人社區新聞 - Floyd Lamb公園旁 15萬買新房
9,000-home development planned for northwest valley
22 August 2013
2:53 p.m.
22 August 2013
2:53 p.m.
Developers of the Southern Highlands master-planned community are launching another large residential project in Las Vegas.
The Olympia Cos. said today it is planning a 1,700-acre community in the northwest corner of the valley, between Grand Teton Drive and U.S. 95.
The property is entitled for 9,000 homes, as well as commercial and gambling uses. Olympia indicated that it would sell project land to homebuilders over the next 10 years.
A group of investors led by Stonehill Capital Management and Spectrum Group Management currently owns the property.
The community would be Las Vegas’ first major real estate development to break ground since 2007, according to Olympia Chairman and CEO Garry Goett.
Olympia’s Southern Highlands project, about 11 miles south of the Strip, covers 2,750 acres and has more than 20,000 residents.