2010-2020年 內州人口將增逾 50萬

LVCNN-Las Vegas Chinese Newspaper



新聞日期: 2013/10/18



    內州人口學家Jeff Hardcastle在這份報告中稱,教育與醫療領域有最大的發展空間,內州對教育和醫療的需求在加大。

Nevada’s projected population growth puny compared to boom years

State will add more than 500,000 residents in the next 20 years

Nevada’s population is expected to grow faster than the national average during the current decade, although its growth will pale in comparison to the spike seen over the past 10 years, according to new projections released Wednesday by the Nevada State Demographer’s Office.
The projections show Nevada’s population growing by 9.6 percent between 2010 and 2020, above the national average of 8.1 percent. But Nevada’s population grew by 35 percent between 2000 and 2010.
Over the next 20 years, the demographer’s office expects the state to add 529,322 new residents, including 377,037 people in Clark County and 120,070 people in Washoe County.
The population projections are created using the Regional Economics Model, Inc. and other modeling tools. The models consider the historic relationship between the state economy and its demographics, accounting for regional and national trends.
The projections also looked at Nevada’s economy and unsurprisingly found that gaming continues to be the main economic driver.
“Educational services and health care have the most room to grow to meet our statewide needs,” Nevada Demographer Jeff Hardcastle said in a statement. “There are good indications that there is more demand for these services compared to their availability in Nevada.”
The population projections are used in crafting the state’s budget and for other long-term planning. The complete projections can be viewed here.


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