大资金来拉斯维加斯 $$$$$$ BIG MONEY COMING TO VEGAS NOW !!!
【拉斯維加斯訊】 從去年開始,更多且數字龐大的資金, 重新注入南內華達州大賭城區來,過去停留在繪圖階段的 賭城興建計畫,一一恢復開工,很多件有預定完工日期的 工程,去年是6億7500萬美元,今年有11億,明年4億,後 年23億5000萬,可以預見未來三年,拉斯維加要新增相當 多工作機會,居民對住房的需求也因而增加。 去年完工開張的大工程,有城中區Downtown Grand賭場酒 店,還有一座水上樂園,同時大家也見到沙漠林新購物中 心開工,凱撒娛樂LINQ摩天輪商業街,城中貨櫃商園和韓 德森市購物中心擴建等等。 今年馬上就要呈現的完工計畫,就是摩天輪商業街;還有 原先是撒哈拉賭場酒店,被SLS精緻酒店業買下重新改建 裝潢的新SLS賭場酒店,將於今年五月完工開業;位於弗 朗明哥大街和賭城大道轉角的黃金地段精品酒店Cromwell ,也決定於國殤節開張;跨過弗朗明哥對街百利賭場前方 廣場,正在興建土耳其式的特色購物中心;金銀島前方的 海盜船區域,會變成一座豪華精品購物商街;米高梅賭業 ,決定在蒙地卡羅賭場與紐約紐約賭場中間停車空地,改 建成一座可容納2萬人的小巨蛋和一座紐約典型的中央公 園。 2008年停工虛懸好幾年的大道北端度假中心計畫,被馬來 西亞雲頂賭場集團買下後,將注入至少50億美元的興建雲 頂拉斯維加斯世界度假中心,於2016年之前先行投入的20 億建設經費,光是以上這些新注入賭城的資金,足以說明 拉斯維加斯未來不但會走出經濟陰霾,而且踏上的是康莊 大道。 上個月聯邦土地管理局出售一批空地,許多開發商到場而 且參加競標,若不是他們看好賭城,不可能在當前大環境 還沒有完全穩固時出手的。 過去二年餘美國避險基金來賭城大肆搜購銀行屋、短售屋 的結果,誰也沒料到竟然幫助了大賭城區房價回升和房市 穩定。「錢跟著錢走」,正在賭城發生。 拉斯維加斯主要行業是賭業和會展業,今年決定來賭城舉 辦的會展場次,已高過去年;本周在賭城大賽車場進行的 NASCAR賽車,引來15萬名美加地區的賽車迷,他們在這個 活動中非賭博性的消費就超過2億美元。賭城每個大小活 動,帶來消費者,積少成多,拉斯維加斯能從谷底翻起的 能力特別強。 再說到賭城的氣候,比起現在還受冰天雪地困擾的美國東 岸及中西部居民,全年藍天暖陽,外出活動的間及機會都 多。而且拉斯維加斯是個24小時不夜城,定居賭城之後, 會發現美國其他城市晚上太寂寞。 本文由信和地產經紀Ramon吳, 諮詢電702-334- 上網www.1689rich.com,www.tv4wu. 微信ID: VEGAS1688 | ||||||||||||||
$7,136,600,000 in Projects Underway!
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Development is synonymous with construction and permanent jobs that will revitalize the state of our economy. | ||||||||||||||
Here is a gallery of the $7,136,600,000 project plans with completion dates. | ||||||||||||||
DownTown Grand Hotel and Casino $100,000,000 2013 | ||||||||||||||
LINQ $550,000,000 (High Roller Ferris Wheel) 2014 | ||||||||||||||
Robert T. Eglet Advocacy Center $18,000,000 2013/2014 | ||||||||||||||
GALLERIA Renovation $7,000,000 2013/2014 | ||||||||||||||
SLS Boutique Hotel $750,000,000 2014 | ||||||||||||||
WAS BILLS GAMBLING HALL $185,000,000 (NO NEW NAME YET) 2014 | ||||||||||||||
MGM Entertainment District $100,000,000 2014 | ||||||||||||||
Federal Justice Tower $35,000,000 2014 | ||||||||||||||
Vada Tech $11,600,000 2014 | ||||||||||||||
SHOPS AT SUMMERLIN $450,000,000 2015 | ||||||||||||||
South Point Bowling Center $30,000,000 2015 | ||||||||||||||
GENTING Resorts World $2,000,000,000 – 2016 Phase | ||||||||||||||
MGM Resorts / AEG ARENA $350,000,000 2016 | ||||||||||||||
Convention Center Redesign $2,500,000,000 – No Date Yet | ||||||||||||||
Switch MegaNAP 9 No information | ||||||||||||||
Konami Gaming Expansion State-of-the-art 120,000 square foot gaming facility that designs, produces, and sells imaginative gaming products. No development cost information available | ||||||||||||||
Several years ago, the development projects in the casino, retail, and housing industries caused the landscape to change overnight. Jobs were created and real estate was booming. There were so many cranes in the sky that the “crane” was jokingly referred to as the Nevada state bird. Today the landscape is significantly different without the cranes. But projects are being added to the drawing board. Many projects are in the development stage and they are creating jobs. The creation of jobs will not only help to mend our economy, it will bring qualified buyers to the real estate market again. Unemployment to Employment Governor Sandoval stated, "As 2014 begins, all indications suggest additional improvements with trends pointing to further job growth and a continued decrease in the unemployment rate." In just two years Nevada's unemployment has dropped from 11.2% to 8.9%, proving that progress is being made today. Nevada has stimulated the economy by adding 14,100 jobs in three months from September to December. Las Vegas Has A Bright Future As we stated in a previous blog, the hedge fund investors have drifted out of our market. What has that done to the market? That has created a stable market for the typical buyer who is buying their first home, retiring to Las Vegas, moving up, or down-sizing. Las Vegas has so many factors that make it stand out as the place to live. Las Vegas has great weather – other parts of the country are reporting sub-zero temperatures and today’s forecast for Las Vegas is in the 70’s. Las Vegas is in close proximity to many recreation sites like Lake Mead for boating and fishing, California beaches, and the Red Rock Canyon and Charleston mountain areas for climbing, skiing and hiking. Las Vegas has many ongoing community events from farmer markets to the performing arts. And of course the dynamic entertainment and retail community continues to bring over 100,000 visitors to our city every day. Las Vegas has tax advantages, affordable housing, over 46 golf courses, over 77 parks, and the list goes on. Developers recently invested 24 million dollars in land. They believe. They believe that Las Vegas has a viable growth potential so they are investing in our future. It’s just a matter of time. The cranes may be back. As the old cliché goes- “Follow the money”. |