Why Veer condo is a such good deal ???

 The seller @Veers will REFURBISH all appliances and fixtures to make it LOOK BRAND NEW. 

国家节能金奖 (only 2 residential building has been rewarded for that in Vegas), Property Tax get a discount of 35%.

No other hidden fees AT ALL - unlike condo hotels(like TRUMP TOWER).  

HOA Fee 远低于其它同类豪华高层公寓。他包括水费,垃圾,保险,前台服务和屋顶全景泳池,健身房,桑拿和蒸气室。

3) No other utility bills - ONLY electric bills from light bulbs, TV,  super low like $15-$20/month

Hope I answered all your questions. Feel free to call me if you have more questions. 
Call (ramon wu) 702-334-7767


CIty Center project - you will see all our neighbours: www. citycenter.com  -  Please click on VEER

它俯看水晶世界購物中心-世界顶级的品牌, 是商业, 娱乐博彩以及一系列豐富和獨特的世界顶级豪华酒店,餐饮的組滿足每個居民多方面需求我們的居民在這無與倫比的地址,幾分鐘之內就可以在这个独特的沙漠不夜城建立自己的理想的生活,消遣,娱乐,刺激的節奏。
           Veer Tower Brochure: http://www2.citycenter.com/offers/2012/03_veer_brochure_flipbook/index.html

           Image Galleries: http://www2.citycenter.com/luxury_las_vegas_condos/residences/veer-image-gallery.aspx

           1 bedroom Floor Plan(see pictures attached): http://www2.citycenter.com/luxury_las_vegas_condos/floorplans/veer-v1b-1.aspx


www.1689MAP.com 賭城那裡治安好?學區好?那裡容 易出租?那裡交通方便?

Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas

拉斯维加斯在夏天难以忍受吗? 那么为什么还是有这么多人要跑到 VEGAS 退休呢 ?? 背景房子正在出售 = 买一送一! 因为它有一个 100% free "CASITA" 4 UUU !!!