賭城 (西南區) 的新房子,提供免費的 "10" 大如新家電!!!

對「山之緣」社區內新屋或再售屋有興趣參觀選購的華人家庭,可電 (( 房地产大王 = RAMON WU)) 洽詢:702-334-7767  或 要觀看視頻,請按一下此處WWW.KB2ME.COM
Homes prices are subjected to change by the builders, without notice!

賭城 (西南區) 的新房子,提供免費的 "10" 大新家電!!!

大賭城區內規畫完善的住宅大社區,從1988年開始推展,韓德森市綠谷(Green Valley)及拉斯維加斯市沙漠林(Summerlin),都成為區內理想的住家環境,當房市開始興旺時,許多美國知名開發商,看好大型規畫社區前景,紛紛高價標下賭城區大批空地,然後規畫設計,再分隔區賣給各家大建商建造新屋出售,位於西南邊的「山之緣」(Mountain's Edge)為其中之一;建商在推展中途,遇上了房市大崩盤,最近卻因為買主增多,「山之緣」從沉寂中走出來,新屋建商日益活絡。

華裔地產經紀人(( 房地产大王 = RAMON WU )) 說,房市也是依照供需定價,大家很奇怪為什麼六年前造價那麼貴?現在又這樣便宜,是否為建商偷工減料?其實完全是市場上真實的反應,當一屋難求時,那時候建商面臨與中國大興土木水泥供應不足變成奇貨可居的狀態,當年造價的確較現在高,由於買主一窩蜂搶購,於是出現新屋每周調漲價錢現象,後來沒有什麼人再買新屋,建商就放緩興建速度,並且調降賣價。


吳建興說,離賭城大道十哩遠的「山之緣」社區,未來將開闢由南方直通I-15-FREEWAY 的快速道路,很多本地人嫌該社區遠,他認為遠與近是見仁見智的看法,習慣出門十哩路的外州人士,覺得很近且方便;有家庭子女的父母,寧可遷入這種適宜居家,孩子們有地方可玩,離賭場愈遠愈好,社區內有六所公立的中小學。


现在六月庆祝父亲提供(免費)高达 "10" 大如新家電:    

對「山之緣」社區內新屋或再售屋有興趣參觀選購的華人家庭,可電 (( 房地产大王 = RAMON WU)) 洽詢:702-334-7767  或 ====>>>>> WWW.VEGASNEWHOME4U.COM

拉斯维加斯, (西南好区) 2012 完全新的房子起价 只有 $141,990起


拉斯维加斯, (西南好区) 
2012 完全新的房子起价 
只有 $149,990


拉斯维加斯, (西南好区) 完全新的房子起价 只有 $149,990


Priced from $141,990 - $214,990

  • Short drive to the Las Vegas Strip
  • Convenient to McCarran International Airport
  • Master plan community
  • Close to Exploration Peak Park
  • Mountain biking, hiking climbing and more available at Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area

Route: 10.0 mi, 17 min

Welcome to Your Community!

“This is a place where the land is still honored and where those who lived here before us are not forgotten. This is Mountain’s Edge, a master planned community where the legends of the Old West meet the luxuries of enlightened community design.” -John Ritter 

The culmination of a dream long held by developer, John A. Ritter and his Focus Property Group team, the Master Developer, Mountain’s Edge contains over 12,500 lots located on 3,500 acres in the southwestern part of the Las Vegas Valley. The Master Developer’s goal for Mountain’s Edge is to provide a genuine sense of depth, character and community for everyone who lives here. This becomes evident from the moment you enter any of the Mountain's Edge communities.

Mountain’s Edge is truly a vision realized. It is where the land of legend has become land for living. 

Exploration Park

The signature feature of Mountains Edge is Exploration Peak, a fully restored natural mountain park, which is located at the entryway, and Exploration Park, the western themed park at the mountains base.  Bicycle trails and walking paths lead up to several vantage points on top of Exploration Peak, offering incredible views of the Las Vegas Valley and the Mountains Edge community.  Exploration Park includes picnic areas, playgrounds, walking trails, replicas of a western town and Indian village, an archaeology dig site, an outdoor amphitheater and more. Exploration Park also provides residents with a seemingly infinite number of desert-friendly landscaping ideas. This park offers a recreational, educational and entertainment amenity unmatched in the Las Vegas Valley.



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Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas

拉斯维加斯在夏天难以忍受吗? 那么为什么还是有这么多人要跑到 VEGAS 退休呢 ?? 背景房子正在出售 = 买一送一! 因为它有一个 100% free "CASITA" 4 UUU !!!