零售商店大经纪商在拉斯维加斯会议召开 !


(本報記者李欣欣)由國際購物中心協會(International Council of Shopping Centers)主辦的2012年維加斯全球商業地產大會(RECon 2012 Las Vegas)將於5月20日至23日在維加斯會展中心(Las Vegas Convention Center)舉行。零售房地產專業人士匯聚一堂,進行為期四天的交流。 協會發言人傑西特隆(Jesse Tron)表示,活動去年吸引30,000多人參加,並料會於今年超過31,000人。今年展會將有超過1000個參展商,包括100個零售商和接近100個公共部門的企業。展廳的面積將超過100萬平方英呎。今年新設的展廳包括商城市場(Marketplace Mall),是專為產品供應商和服務公司而設,另亦有專為公共部門參展商而設的世界館城市(Cities of the World Pavilion)。Somers Furniture的老闆表示,大會對行業來說十分重要,因為90%的年度租賃交易都在展廳達成。參與活動20年的凱撒宮古羅馬市集商場(Forum Shop)商場營銷和業務發展總監莫琳克蘭普頓(Maureen Crampton)也表示,他們會於場內設一租賃團隊,跟客戶洽談業務。Miracle Mile Shops的總裁兼總經理拉斯喬伊納(Russ Joyer)表示,他們計劃尋找各種能融入Miracle Mile Shops的零售類別,包括食肆和婦女服飾。該商場的銷售穩定增長,每日繼續平均吸引大約80,000人,每人的預算消費為300美元至500美元。古羅馬市集商場的業績也造好,自2012年以來,該商場較去年錄得雙位數字的增長。對於維加斯的購物中心開發商和租賃代理而言,該一年一度的會展活動令賭城成為了焦點,並於四天內創造了無限商機。

Retail power brokers convene at ReCon

Officials seek deals, leases, lessons at expo at LV Convention Center

Franchisors, real estate developers, architects and retailers gathered in Las Vegas last week to make deals, break bread and meet face to face.

From May 20-23, RECon, the global retail real estate convention hosted by the International Council of Shopping Centers, took over the Las Vegas Convention Center. This year the show attracted 31,000 shopping center professionals, about 1,000 more than the 2011 show.

To complement educational sessions, RECon's expo floor featured 1,000 companies occupying more than 1 million square feet, including 100 retailers and almost 100 public sector companies. 

"I think, really, there's been a renewed optimism permeating the conference," council spokesman Jesse Tron said.

This year, Tron said, there's more credit available and capital is flowing back into the industry, which translated into happy convention attendees.

"There's still not a lot of new development in the industry, but that's a good thing because it fixes the vacancy issue," he continued.

In looking at industry research, Tron said retail vacancies are leveling off, which could mean new development starting in a "couple of years."

But, when thinking about new retail development, think slow, measured growth, not an explosion of new outlets as in years past.

One national brand looking to expand its presence in Las Vegas is Jersey Mike's Subs, which brought a team of 70 and held about 600 meetings at RECon.

"We need leases," Jersey Mike's President Hoyt Jones said. "We've got well over 400 contracts that we need leases to be developed over the next five years. We're bringing on about 30 per month in addition to that."

Jones said the corporate plan is to build 100 stores nationwide this year, 150 in 2013, then 175 each year thereafter. In Las Vegas, there are five Jersey Mike's locations now, with plans to build out the market at 30 stores in the next three to five years. A new store is set to open soon inside McCarran International Airport's Terminal One.

When large-scale conventions come to Las Vegas, a slew of businesses benefit including local show service companies.

Throughout the convention, Global Exposition Services had about 750 union employees working the show during peak days, setting up and breaking down exhibits and seminar rooms.

Las Vegas-based Somers Convention Furniture Rental outfitted 31 booths with its furniture. Project sizes and cost ranged from $600 for a table and four chairs to $10,000, depending on the number of pieces needed.

For the first time since the recession began, Somers noticed an increase in booth size. Convention work makes up a third of Somers' business, which also includes special events and retail sales.

"This is one of our largest shows that we do all year round, because (the exhibitors) don't have any product to show. That furniture is going to reflect what your business is," said owner Debbi Somers. "Some of our booths had over 100 pieces."


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Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas

拉斯维加斯在夏天难以忍受吗? 那么为什么还是有这么多人要跑到 VEGAS 退休呢 ?? 背景房子正在出售 = 买一送一! 因为它有一个 100% free "CASITA" 4 UUU !!!