Mountain's Edge is currently the best selling planned community in the Las Vegas area and the 5th best selling in the country.

Mountain's Edge is currently the best selling planned community in the Las Vegas area and the 5th best selling in the country.

Google map of community -"MOUNTAIN EDGE"

Base prices for free-standing homes as of May 14, 2012 run from $114,990 to $483,995 with home sizes ranging from 1,199 sq. ft. to 4,147 sq. ft. Condos and townhomes range from $159,999 to $229,990 with sizes ranging from 1,345 sq. ft. to 2,502 sq. ft. Resales for the last 90 days reflect 209 free-standing homes sold ranging from $82,620 to $450,000 with a median selling price of $156,000. Of the 79 properties currently listed, 34 are represented as short sales or bank owned/foreclosures. Resale free-standing homes have a median asking price of $85 per sq. ft. Tremendous number of sales here over the last several months.

This is a newer planned community in the southeast part of the valley. It is located at Blue Diamond Rd. and Buffalo Dr. At least 20 builders are participating in this project. The community is being built on 3,500 acres and will comprise 12,500 residences when completed. Over 500 acres of open space will be featured. At the center will be a 320 acre regional park with baseball fields, multi-use sports fields and picnic and play areas. A centerpiece of this community will be a 80 acre western themed park. Also featured will be an American Indian encampment and a simulated archaeological site where kids can dig for ancient treasures. 10 builders are now selling at Mountain's Edge, including DR Horton, Concordia, US Home, Toll Bros, Lennar, Beazer, Woodside, KB Home, Pardee and Meritage/Perma-Built. Note that other than the Exploration Park, with 20 acres developed and 80 acres of open terrain, nothing in the way of the additional parks and amenities have been started. Some of the projected amenities have been eliminated with others on hold. Some current residents have complained with respect to these delays and changes.

Mountain's Edge is currently the best selling planned community in the Las Vegas area and the 5th best selling in the country.

Just over 7,000 homes have been completed out of 14,500 projected. The elevation at Mountain's Edge ranges from 2,650 ft. to 2,740 ft. above sea level.

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