前奢華公寓大廈 (THE MODERNS) 有了現代感!

Former Luxe condos get Modern touch

前奢華公寓大廈 (THE MODERNS) 有了現代感!

The Las Vegas real estate fire sale is dying out quickly as investors such as BondRok Partners swoop in on properties that have gone through bankruptcy and returned to the market, maybe not for pennies on the dollar, but certainly dimes.

拉斯維加斯房地產開始紅火, 投資者大量購買經歷了破產,但漸漸恢復市場的產業上,也許不是幾分錢買價值一美元的物品,但多數是一毛錢買價值一美元的物品

Los Angeles-based BondRok bought the former Luxe Lofts midrise condo project at 8925 W. Flamingo Road for $6.75 million and put an additional $6 million into finishing construction and upgrading the property, principal Patrick Humes said Wednesday.

總公司在洛杉磯的若邦集團總裁帕里克.休姆說:" 若邦以六百七十五萬美元, 買下西紅鶴路 8925 號的奢華公寓大廈,並有額外六百萬美元, 放在完成建造及房升級。"

It's been rebranded as The Modern, and tonight is the grand opening.

這個奢華公寓大廈被重新建造的有了現代感,2012年4月26日是它的開幕式。(put picture 7006355-2-4)

"The soup du jour in Vegas today is coming in and buying deals and turning it around," Humes said as he checked the readiness of model units. "We're looking to come into Vegas and do new products."


Construction on the 83-unit complex was halted in 2009 when developer Frank Hamadani filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcyThe project's estimated construction cost was $38 million.

 2009 年, 開發商弗蘭克.翰曼尼提出第 11 章破產保護, 這個有著 83 個單位的建築大樓被中止建造。專案被估計的建造費用是三千八百萬美元。

The Modern received its certificate of occupancy last week. Sales contracts are expected to be completed by May, with the first move-ins by the end of that month, sales director Nicole Milner Breen said Wednesday. So far, nine units are reserved with $5,000 deposits, she said.

銷售主任尼科爾.米訥. 布里恩說:"現代奢華公寓大廈在2012 年4月19日已獲得了所有權狀證明。銷售合約預料 5月完成,第一批住客可在5月結束之前遷入。迄今為止,有九個單位已收了五千美元訂金。"

Prices start at about $200,000 for a 1,200-square-foot, one-bedroom unit and go to $450,000 for a 2,500-square-foot, three-bedroom unit. Amenities include a two-story fitness center, pool and spa, fire pitssubterranean parking and onsite concierge.
價格大約為從1,200 平方英尺, 一間臥室的二十萬美元起價,到三間臥室,  2,500 平方英呎的四十五萬美元。便利設施包括雙層的健身中心,游泳池和溫泉,火爐,地下的停車和門房。

Housing analyst Dennis Smith of Home Builders Research said The Modern is a good name for the building.

"I like the way it's designed with underground parking. The units are nice and the floor plans jump out at you," he said. "My only question is the location. Will that location allow them to capture those prices? I hope it does because that's a good sign for the market."
他說:「我喜歡它地下停車設計。單位好和建築平面圖正符合你需要,只是地點不是很好。那個地點將可讓他們獲得那些價格嗎?我希望它可以, 那將會是市場的一個好標誌。」

The Modern is close to the Strip and Beltway, away from affluent suburbs. The average price will be around $350,000, which buys a nice single-family home in Las Vegas, Smith said.
史密斯說:"現代靠近拉斯維加斯大道和環形公路,遠離豐富的郊區。平均價格將是大約三十五萬美元,這個價格可以在拉斯維加斯, 買進一個好的獨立屋。" 

"It's a different demographic. It's going to attract young people, but they'd better have good jobs," he said.
他說:「是人口統計學的不同, 現代將要吸引年輕人,但是他們最好有好工作

Humes said Las Vegas is getting "beat up" by stories about unemployment, foreclosures and a horrible housing market, but he sees the bustling Strip as the fundamental strength of the city.

帕里克.休姆說: "拉斯維加斯在經歷了失業,法拍屋和可怕的房地產市場之後,會慢慢地復甦," 他將熙熙攘攘的拉斯維加斯大道視為城市的基本力量。

"We like the market. We think it's strong. It's got built-in growth," he said. "The amount of traffic I see on airplanes, in the hotels and bars and restaurants - it's tripled. You look at other cities, they don't have this type of growth. Vegas is shelf-ready. Jobs are dormant, but they can turn it back on in a heartbeat."

他說:「我們喜歡這個市場。我們認為它是強的。取得了固有的成長,我看到飛機, 旅館, 酒吧和餐館的交通數量已增至三倍了。你看其他城市,他們沒有此類成長。拉斯維加斯是準備好的。工作是休眠狀態的,但是他們仍在心跳中, 可以回轉。」

David Thurman, also a principal at BondRok, said developers had everyone in a "condo craze" six or seven years ago, thinking they could buy a unit in Las Vegas and rent it out or flip it for a quick profit. Less than 25 percent of the estimated 70,000 units proposed for 100 condo projects was built.
大衛.十曼,同時也是若邦集團的總裁說:"六或七年前, 開發者在「公寓大廈狂熱」,每個人認為, 他們可以買進一個拉斯維加斯單位, 把它出租或以快速利潤翻轉它。100 個公寓大廈專案, 70,000 個單位, 估計少於百分之25被建造。
Sales director Breen said the luxury condo inventory is not that deep, with just 127 units available in nine towers and at higher per-square-foot pricing than The Modern.
銷售主任布里恩說:"豪華的公寓大廈存貨並不多,九座豪華公寓大廈, 僅僅有 127 個待售屋, 而它們的每平方英呎單價都比現代豪華公寓大廈高。
如您有任何問題, 歡迎來電洽詢專業經紀Ray Wu @702-334-7767. 168lasvegas@gmail.com


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Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas

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