(现代人公寓) 在拉斯维加斯, 僅 10分鐘到達 SUMMERLIN 和唐人街 !

現代=(Z-MODERN)=年輕人, 理想居家環境!
公寓建筑公司可以保证 (1 年全年)的租金 ($16,200 美元 至 $23,700 美元), 此外他们将付费为您 1-2年(HOA-FEES)家业主协会为你 !

June 25, 2012 06:00 AM | 303 views | 0 0 comments | 3 3 recommendations | email to a friend | print

如果你是專業社會新鮮人,父母出頭款幫你買房屋,在拉斯維加斯,你將挑選什麼樣的住宅?在賭城西南區靠近沙漠林的中高層複合式住宅,「現代」(The Modern),應該最合乎你的需求,它有像高級酒店度假中心那樣的泳池帳篷,又有屋頂烤肉陽台及二層挑高健身房,和派對流水中庭及室內交誼聚會撞球室,每戶有個自的陽台和現代化室內廚房衛浴,電梯直通地下室停車場;對年輕人來說,這才是理想的居家環境。


這樣的生活形態,就是所謂的「創意生活」(Creative Living),通常只會在室內設計雜誌中看的到,如今在拉斯維加斯西南區呈現,而且是一處地點方便,坐落於Flamingo街,在Durango和Fort Apache之間,華人偏愛的地區之一。

華裔「地產大王」吳建興(Ramon Wu)表示,「現代」中高層住宅是一個有安全閘門,把居家生活與社交融合一體的新生活環境,關了門屋主有自我寬敞高挑明亮的空間,走到門外,就有樹下歇息、閱讀聽水流鳥語花香的庭院,兩層玻璃健身房俯瞰泳池及兩旁涼棚,頂樓有觀景陽台及烤肉區和餐桌。想和朋友打撞球一起看籃賽、打撲克牌,另有附廚房的交誼廳,進入這樣居住生活的人,很難再搬回一般單一住宅。


想參觀「現代」樣品屋,電( RAMON WU)吳 702-334-7767。


拉斯維加斯樓的 "現代 = MODERN " 奢華公寓大廈已經完成 !!!
THE-MODERNS 位於西南地區好租住區
僅 10 分鐘到達 SUMMERLIN 和唐人街 !
"純"投資的回報率可能會高為 6-7 %,  
如果你買在本月=2012年 6月...........
賣方也許給你免費 2 年的房子業主協會費 !

18-SFR Multiple-Row

15-SFR Multi-Row w/Rmks (MLX)

25-SFR 12-Photo View

Big Map View

有 83個單位, 從 1,234 平方英呎到 2,723平方英呎
這個新社區提供一種簡單,乾淨的風格, 包括度假村式的游泳池, 太陽能,

從拉斯維加斯大道的只有約 12 分鐘 !

Exterior Front: The Modern provides progressive soaring spaces to call home in the context of a thriving community of courtyards, common areas, spa and pool, and interconnected pathways for social interaction all complimented by the very best in amenities and services.

Den/Family/Great Room: This photo is of the model unit. Five of these penthouse units overlook the pool. The other four have a courtyard/garden view.

Kitchen: This is the standard kitchen in our 2500 Plans.

Kitchen: Stainless steel KitchenAide appliances are standard in all units.

Dining Room: This unit is large enough for you to host a dinner party of 12 or more.

Den/Family/Great Room: This unit has a true WOW factor.

Master Bedroom: The master bedroom is a true loft, with again, a WOW factor.

Master Bath/Spa

Master Bath/Spa

Bedroom: This would be perfect for an office.

Bedroom: A den or guest bedroom.

Other: The 2500 plan is our two story, three bedroom unit. Hurry, there are only 9 of the gems.

Swimming Pool/Hot Tub/Sauna


Den/Family/Great Room: This is the 2500 plan. It is our only two story loft unit. It contains three bedrooms and 2.5 baths. The floor to ceiling windows on both floors makes this unit truly special. Of The Modern's 83 units only 9 of them are the 2500, demand will be high.

Swimming Pool/Hot Tub/Sauna: The Modern’s unmatched living experience brings together modern architecture, resident-only resort quality amenities, and dramatic views of the Strip and the surrounding Red Rocks mountains.

Other: The Modern's two story work out facility with roof top deck includes circuit training, cardio equipment, dry and steam sauna. The fitness center has space for pilates and yoga.


The Modern Las Vegas Pool
The Modern Las Vegas Pool
拉斯維加斯"現代" 游泳池
"現代" 的設計公司"波卡. 鮑威爾", 讓"現代"無論是共同區域或入口都十分地乾淨及時尚
有三種不同的房型設計, 樣品屋都被佈置地簡單大方,可以符合不同買主的需求:

1) Loft space: Designed with the bachelor in mind, using black, greys, whites, leather with modern art.

1) 樓閣式設計:適合單身者,使用黑色,灰色,白色,

2) Two bedroom: Offers a super white, clean look, with natural wood, leather and textures.
2) 兩間臥室設計:提供超白,超乾淨的視覺感受,有著天然的木材,

3) Two bedroom + study: Provides a mix of contemporary and modern elements, artwork and furnishings suitable for families.
3) 兩間臥室加上讀書室設計 :混合了古典和現代的元素,適合家庭居

The Modern Fitness Center
The Modern Fitness Center

波卡. 鮑威爾的設計師, 卡羅琳.艾索說: "現代"是為目前主要房屋
購買者所設計的, 帶著一種適度,乾淨的外表。

我們使用很多天然的木材和現代的傢俱。傢俱是從買主能負擔得起, 高品質的商店購買來的, 像"房間及門板", "西榆樹"...等。  每個單位都有升級的歐式木櫃,類花崗石工作臺面,"

廚房幫手建築師系列" 電器, 酷樂水管和現代特製的洗滌槽。樓閣使天花板達到 21 英呎高和包括一個私人陽臺。

The Modern Kitchen
The Modern Unit Kitchen

布洛集團的負責人帕特里克.荷姆說:" 波卡. 鮑威爾慎選傢俱, 有創意的方向, 為公共區域提供便利設施,


火爐和寵物公園。以前在聖瑞吉斯·達拉斯的專案上與波卡. 鮑威爾攜手合作過,我們知道他們超級的上司設計敏感度, 對乾淨,設備完善的生活空間的了解, 是我們發展"現代" 的完美合作夥伴, 我們決定波卡. 鮑威爾攜手, 建立拉斯維加斯史無前例的一個時尚社區,

The Modern Loft Unit
The Modern Las Vegas Loft
"現代" 的閣樓設計
For more information, PLEASE CALL YOUR #1 VEGAS REALTOR (RAMON WU) @702-334-7767
如您有任何問題, 請致電拉斯維加斯地產專家吳先生@702-334-7767

Guests Celebrate the Modern LV Opening
The Modern Las Vegas held their long awaited grand opening party on the 26th.  It was attended by about 500 local realtors as well as potential buyers and from the reactions we saw, everyone was blown away.  The Modern is a three story mid-rise.  While it’s only three floors, the community is laid out to maximize outdoor space and create great little areas for outdoor relaxation and entertaining.  On the East side of the building, there are even partial Strip views on the some of the second floor units with full Strip views from many of the third floor offerings.
The contemporary lobby will be attended by a concierge once new owners start moving in.  Just past the lobby, is the “media center” where one has the option of watching TV, taking advantage of the building’s wi-fi or playing pool or football.  The media center is on the ground floor beneath four of the two-story, loft style residences that are possibly the most desirable floor plans.  Those loft style residences have views of the courtyards on either side.
Past the courtyard with several BBQ grills, lounges, and a large fire pit, is the entry to the pool.  This is perhaps the hippest pool in any of our condo communities in Vegas.  The final four of the 2-story loft style residences are positioned above the North end of the pool area.  These four units will be the popular locations with a view of the courtyard on one side and the pool on the other, and we were not surprised to hear that all four of these units already have deposits placed on them.
In the pool area you will find a large pool that is long enough to swim laps or to lounge under the shaded area beneath the

Relaxing by the Firepit
two-story lofts on a hot day.  On either side of the pool are splash pools that are just right for placing a lounge chair in the water.  Cabanas line both sides of the pool area and the hot tub is the largest we’ve seen in any of our condo communities  Just past the pool is the two story fitness center with the lounge/observation deck on top of it.  Again, the lounge and observation deck offer additional space for owners to relax or use the BBQs while watching the pool activity down below.
The last time we paid a visit to the Modern LV, we were impressed by the layout and the floor plans.  Now that we’ve seen the fitness center completely furnished, the pool with sparkling blue water and the media center furnished, we’re even more impressed.  The condos have also been completed.  The granite slab on the kitchen islands has been replaced with a full slab that was custom cut to fit the unique shape of these islands.  Appliances are installed and these homes are ready for lucky buyers to enjoy. 
If you are ready to view them, call (702)334-7767                                                                 (ASK 4 #1 VEGAS REALTOR = RAMON WU) 
or email to:  168vegas@gmail.com
  The Modern Las Vegas celebrated their grand opening last week. We took a little video of some of their great amenities. From the media center with comfy sofas and big screen TV, pool table, football and kitchen to the two-story fitness center with the latest equipment to the courtyard with sofas, BBQs and lounge areas, this community of luxury condos is over the top. And for the most impressive pool in any of our luxury condo communities, one needs look no further than the Modern Las Vegas. 


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Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas

拉斯维加斯在夏天难以忍受吗? 那么为什么还是有这么多人要跑到 VEGAS 退休呢 ?? 背景房子正在出售 = 买一送一! 因为它有一个 100% free "CASITA" 4 UUU !!!