Home Burglaries in North Las Vegas on the Rise

 POSTED: SEP 28, 2011 9:51 PM PDT
NORTH LAS VEGAS, Nev. - Harold Boyd has lived in his North Las Vegas home for 12 years, but even on his quiet, safe block, criminals can strike.
"We've had cars broken into around here. My cars have been broken into twice and the stereo stolen out," he said. "I'm only aware of one home invasion they had a few months ago."
The North Las Vegas Police Department has seen a recent rise in theft. This year, home burglaries south of Cheyenne Boulevard in North Las Vegas are up 36 percent. They are up 7 percent in the northern, newer parts of town.
North Las Vegas Police Sgt. Tim Bedwell says hard times have crooks making desperate decisions.
"We think the economy is a big factor for the fact that people are out looking for money," he said. "We're very concerned about this. We have a lot of resources now actively trying to break up these groups that are doing the burglaries."
Police also say vacant or foreclosed homes can bring an undesirable element to some neighborhoods.
"The economy has caused people to go after the metals that are in vacant homes and also to go after people's gold because they can sell the gold," Bedwell said.
North Las Vegas resident Renae Halbakken-Schulz says her in-laws bought a foreclosure next door.
"When we went in to remodel and get everything, we had noticed that it has been broken into," she said. "We had five homes in the area that were vacant."
She says she always locks up and keeps the lights on so criminals stay away.
"It's felt very safe around here. It really has. It really has," she said.
Police advise you to never open doors to strangers. If you talk through the door, have a phone in your hand, because you never know when a criminal may be willing to kick that door down.



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