new las vegas water park

new las vegas water park

Developers planning new water park in Henderson

CREATED Nov. 12, 2011

HENDERSON, Nev. (AP) -- Plans for a 22-acre water park in Henderson are getting an initial go-ahead from city officials.
Planning commissioners granted a conditional use permit on Thursday to developer Shawn Hassett and his company, Vegas Residential LLC.
Plans include 20 water slides, thrill rides, a lazy river, restaurants and cabanas. The park would be built near Union Village, a medical, retail and residential complex.
Hassett says the project could fill a void left when the Wet `n Wild water park on the Las Vegas Strip closed in 2004.
Developers say they're in the final stages of securing financing and will not start construction until the money is in place.

Las Vegas hasn't had a water park since 2004 when Wet N' Wild closed on the north end of the Strip, but two new water parks could open by Memorial Day 2012.
Neither of the new parks though will be near the resort corridor.
One is being built in southwest Las Vegas at Fort Apache and Warm Springs roads while the other is being proposed in Henderson between Boulder Highway and the U.S. 95 near the Galleria Mall.
Ben Howell, Principal at PFG Residential, told FOX5 in a phone interview that the company expects to break ground at the Henderson location early next year.
The Fort Apache water park held a press event on Monday with owners, developers and dignitaries in attendance.
Steve Mayer is Vice President/General Manager of Harvest Family Entertainment, which will run the park. Construction at this site has already begun on what is listed as more than 35 acres.
The property is owned by SPB Partners, who say they want to provide a great park for families in Las Vegas to create memories and fun.
"This is a very daunting project to take on, especially in times when lenders are more cautious, (and) construction is slower," said Roger Bulloch, SPB Managing Partner.
The owners grew up in the Las Vegas-area and they say they especially look forward to providing around 500 local jobs, especially to teens, and provide them a strong work ethic and foundation for their future careers.
The Henderson water park has not seen construction begin and is developed by DreamPark International and owned by Vegas Residential LLC, according to the Las Vegas Sun.
This water park will reportedly have around 20 water slides, thrill rides, cabanas and a lazy river. There's no word on the number of jobs the Henderson water park may provide. The Henderson water park group is still getting their financing in order before they start the construction process.
The return of water parks to Las Vegas has some residents excited, especially after a seven-year drought.
"If they open up another one, you better believe I'll be there every day," said Brettly Otterman.
Copyright FOX5 2011. All rights reserved.


A third-generation Las Vegan, Roger Bulloch recognized that local families were left high and dry when Wet 'n Wild water park closed in 2004. He saw the need for another family-oriented attraction.
Bulloch and his joint venture business partners held a groundbreaking ceremony Monday for the 25-acre Splash Canyon Waterpark on Fort Apache Road in southwest Las Vegas Valley. It's scheduled to open by Memorial Day.
Developers have begun construction on the $18 million project, a public-private partnership between landowner Howard Hughes Corp., Clark County, SPB Partners and Dallas-based Harvest Family Entertainment.
The Clark County Commission approved the project in June. It's expected to create 200 to 300 construction jobs and 500 jobs for seasonal employees.
Though Wet 'n Wild was built in 1984 as a tourist attraction on the Strip, 80 percent of its customers were locals, Bulloch said.
"What can we do to pull families together? That's what drew us to this project," the co-founder and managing principal of SPB Partners said. "It's a water park, but for me, it's a deeper meaning. It's a family venue for the community and an opportunity for our youths."
Monday's groundbreaking culminated two years of intense work and the investment of millions of dollars in design, engineering and legal costs, Bulloch said. He also negotiated with a New York investment group about turning the former Scandia family fun park into a water park, but the investors decided it wasn't the highest and best use for the land.

Splash Canyon's first phase includes 20 slides, a surfable wave pool, 1,000-foot lazy river, water play structure, toddler pool, group picnic area, private cabanas and food outlets. Design and engineering is under way for the second phase, which will expand Splash Canyon to 40 acres.

Wet 'n Wild was teen-focused, said David Busch, president of Harvest Family Entertainment, which operates five water parks in Texas. Splash Canyon is family-focused.
"We'll have thrill rides, but we're a little more conservative on swimwear, and there will be no alcohol allowed," Busch said. "We want to take care of families."
Harvest has developed 23 water parks in the United States, South Pacific and China. It took two years of "grinding, grinding, grinding" to bring all the parties together for Splash Canyon, Busch said.
"We've had funding in place for a while, but it takes time to get everything lined up," he said. "We've been trying to get here for years because we know there's pent-up demand."
Busch projects 300,000 annual attendance at Splash Canyon, compared with about 500,000 at Wet 'n Wild.
He is expecting to have 50 percent of park admissions sold before it opens. His staff already is calling on schools, churches and corporations for group sales and special events.
Season passes are being offered at a $99 introductory rate, a savings of $40. Daily admission is $30 for adults, $22 for children under 48 inches.
SPB signed a long-term lease with Hughes Corp. for the land, which was originally designated as a community park. Hughes will develop an adjacent community park with an aquatic center as part of the site's master plan.
"Splash Canyon is a welcome and highly anticipated amenity for residents of the entire valley," Hughes spokesman Tom Warden said.
"The project will undoubtedly be a gathering place for residents of all ages who enjoy water sports, outdoor recreational activity, family play time and social interaction with friends and neighbors."

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