Las Vegas hospitality workers have highest income in US hospitality industry

Hospitality employees in Las Vegas earn an average of $6000 more annually than their peers in other major US markets. The average Vegas hospitality (specifically within the accommodations and food services category) worker earns an average of $28,700 per year according to an August 20, 2012 report from business journal On Numbers.
The business group analyzed the latest US Census Bureau data for 115 metropolitan areas that contain at least 10,000 private-sector businesses in all industries. The inclusive hospitality categories for this data encompasses restaurants, bars, hotels, motels, and camps. Data were based on total payrolls for both full and part-time employees within each market as of 2010 stats (latest available).
The top ten markets based on annual pay per hospitality employee are...
  1. Las Vegas $28,700
  2. New York City $22,600
  3. Honolulu $21,600
  4. San Francisco $21,000
  5. Bridgeport, CT $20,700
  6. Anchorage, AK $20,600
  7. Washington, DC $20,400
  8. Reno $20,300
  9. Boston $19,800
  10. Portland, ME $19,500
The industry's average salary is $17,300 in all major US markets. The total reported payroll and number of employed workers were $135.97 billion and 7.8 million, respectively.
The Las Vegas economy has shown some improvements but the unemployment rate in the area is still about 12%. Vegas hospitality workers endure despite a tough situation and routinely encounter the full spectrum of humanity in their service environment. Despite those facts, they out-earn their industry peers according to this report.
This report did not include gratuity/tip incomes for some of these workers. This is a vitally important aspect of survivability for many of the described hospitality service workers in Las Vegas. Check out our previously published tipping guide article (linked below).
Charles Higgins
Article info source = Biz

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