Union Village -- Integrated Health Village


Union Village is master plan development for an integrated health village, featuring patient‐centric technology and design in a compelling live, work and play environment on 171 acres of land, located at the intersection of the I‐515/US 93/95 Interstate and Galleria Drive in Henderson, Nev.

Union Village brings together some of the world's foremost experts in planning, architecture, technology, livable communities, builders and asset managers. The result will be an architecturally pleasing, technologically innovative and environmentally sustainable master planned health village. The health village will include a state‐of‐the art hospital complex that features a full continuum of care integrated into retail, entertainment, residential and cultural centers with a vibrant senior retirement community.

A cornerstone of the project is a planned hospital campus by St. Rose Dominican Hospitals. Preliminary plans call for a 214-bed hospital, initially opening with 154 beds, with shelled space for another 60 beds for future expansion.


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