VEGAS (王朝大酒店) 2015年前 將於拉斯維加斯開幕

Dynasty hotel-casino could open in Las Vegas by 2015

An artist’s rendering of the proposed Dynasty Hotel & Casino.
By Ed Komenda
Wed, Jun 19, 2013 (12:36 p.m.)
艾迪.柯曼達, 2013年6月19日, 星期三下午12點36分報導
Clark County commissioners have green-lighted plans for a new 26-story hotel-casino on Flamingo Road.
克拉克縣紅鶴將有一個新綠色照明計劃, 26層樓的酒店。
Currently home of the Fortune Hotel & Suites just west of Paradise Road, the plot of land between the Tuscany and the recently fire-damaged Key Largo could be transformed into The Dynasty Hotel & Casino as soon as 2015.
王朝大酒店位於天堂路以西, 界於托斯卡納街和最近火災損壞的鑰旅館兩者之間的土地, 2005年將完工
While the property has never offered gaming in the past, the county’s approval entered Las Vegas Lucky Investments LLC into to the state-approved Gaming Enterprise District, allowing it to apply for a gaming license and open a 100,000-square-foot casino.
雖然該物業在過去並沒有提供賭場,該縣批准拉斯維加斯幸運投資有限責任公司, 為國家批准賭場企業區,讓它進入拉斯維加斯申請一個賭場許可証, 可以開設一個十萬平方英呎賭場。
Las Vegas Lucky Investments bought the property in March 2012 for more than $11 million, according to Clark County records.
據克拉克縣紀錄, 拉斯維加斯幸運投資在2012年三月購買此業, 成交價超過一千一百萬美元,。
But Shuiyan Cheng, the company’s owner, declined an interview for this story, saying it’s too early to comment.
該公司的擁有人, 程書演(音譯),,拒絕接受採訪,說目前要作評論, 還稍嫌太早。
Greg Borgel, a planning consultant from Moreno & Associates working on the project, said the resort will bring 2,000 construction jobs and 1,400 permanent jobs to the area.
That contribution was a selling point for Commissioner Mary Beth Scow.
對克拉克縣來說, 這是一個好的貢獻。
“I think this is an exciting project,” Scow said. “I think that it’s a boom to this area and an improvement to the economy.”
克拉克縣官員瑪麗.司考說:「我認為這是一個令人振奮的計劃, 將促進區域經濟蓬勃發展和改善。」
And plans for the resort might grow before construction starts.
Las Vegas Lucky Investments originally applied to build a 30-story, 794-room resort. But given the property’s height and proximity to McCarran International Airport, the Federal Aviation Administration denied the application and limited the tower to 26 stories.
拉斯維加斯幸運投資原先要建一個30層樓, 794個房間的酒店。 但鑒於該物業的高度和接近麥卡倫國際機場,聯邦航空局否認該項申請, 將樓層降到26層。
The company plans to appeal for a taller building to build more rooms but, Borgel said, there are other options if that fails.
該公司計劃上訴, 建立更高,更多房間的酒店,但博熱爾說,如果上訴不成,仍有其他選擇。
“We can build another tower at the approved height and make up for those lost rooms,” he said.
他說:「我們可以興建符合核准高度的另一個塔, 彌補這些失去的房間」。
Regarding the name, Borgel said, Dynasty does not reflect a Chinese resort theme similar to Resorts World Las Vegas. It reflects the company’s Chinese ownership.
博熱爾說: 關於名字, 王朝類似名勝世界拉斯維加斯, 並不反映一個採取中國主題的酒店。 它只是反映了中國公司的所有權」。

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拉斯维加斯在夏天难以忍受吗? 那么为什么还是有这么多人要跑到 VEGAS 退休呢 ?? 背景房子正在出售 = 买一送一! 因为它有一个 100% free "CASITA" 4 UUU !!!

Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas