
维罗预测未来1年的升值率: (拉斯维加斯-天堂, 内华达州) = 10.8% the VeroFORECAST next 1 year appreciation rate : (Las Vegas-Paradise, Nevada) = 10.8%

这  "10 " 房地产市场
将看到几乎 ((12%)) 的升值!?!?


2018年10月29日  "E R IC F O X "

新的 VeroFORECAST 现在预测到, 报告顶部的10个大都市统计区域将从9.3 至11.7% 到2019年9月1日。

这份报告涵盖了美国82% 的人口在358管理事务协议的住宅, 同时也预测了其中100人口最多的4.5% 的房产价值的平均上升, 比上季度的数字增加了第十。住房供应和人口趋势仍然是一个市场将坐在国家升值-折旧连续的主要指标。在顶部市场, 住房供应非常低, 这使得项目价格的变化在报告的高端。

在未来一年, 预计平均升值幅度最高的市场是布雷默顿-锡尔弗代尔, 华盛顿在11.7% 的单身家庭住宅和11% 的公寓和排屋的升值。布雷默顿市场仍然是该国最强的市场之一, 其1.4 月的住房供应量极低, 难以满足日益增长的人口需求。

据预测, 11.7% 的升值幅度比第一和第二季度的 VeroFORECAST 报告中排名前6/10 的市场高出了2018。在这两份报告中, 这一市场就在布雷默顿的所有声音中: 西雅图-塔科马-贝尔维尤。这一季度仍处于前10位, 但下降到第十位, 预测为12月9.3%。

以下是2018年9月1日开始的 VeroFORECAST 的10个市场:

布雷默顿-锡尔弗代尔, 华盛顿, 11.7%
博伊西市-南帕, 爱达荷州, 11.2%

#3) 拉斯维加斯-天堂,
 内华达州, 10.8%

贝灵厄姆, 华盛顿, 10.6%
奥林匹亚, 华盛顿, 10.3%
卡森市, 内华达州, 10.1%
雷诺-火花, 内华达州, 10%
旧金山-奥克兰-弗里蒙特, 加利福尼亚州, 9.6%
丹佛-极光-布鲁姆菲尔德, 科罗拉多州, 9.5%
西雅图-塔科马-贝尔维尤, 华盛顿, 9.3%

在布雷默顿和西雅图以北80海里, 通过相互连接的水道位于贝灵厄姆湾, 另一份报告是十美国市场的赞赏。我们预测, 在未来12月内, 在贝灵厄姆的单户住宅和公寓/排屋, 华盛顿 MSA 平均会升值10.6%。虽然贝灵厄姆的家庭供应量不像布雷默顿那么低, 但仍在两个月以内, 并继续下降。其15年的人口增长已超过 30%, 远远高于全国平均水平。这一增长正在使贝灵厄姆成为该国最强的市场之一。

加入第五排名的奥林匹亚, WA MSA 和华盛顿再有四的前十个市场。在前10强的另一个州是内华达州。拉斯维加斯-天堂 MSA, 州最大的, 返回本季度加入卡森市和雷诺-火花, 后者是前两个 VeroFORECAST 报告的10强夹具。四舍五入10管理事务协议是爱达荷州, 加利福尼亚州和科罗拉多州。


在2018期间, 华盛顿和内华达州的市场已经主导了每12月的预测。今年上半年, 他们共分享了六个前10个景点, 现在是第七。其他三个或四个点在相同的五个州被划分: 加利福尼亚州, 在每个季度的前 10, 科罗拉多州, 爱达荷州和俄勒冈州的 msa 在三报告中的两份。德州的十强今年是第一季度的米德兰 MSA。

与博伊西市-南帕, 爱达荷州跳入前10的第二个点, 预计升值率为 11.2%, 我们看到了爱达荷州的变化经济的迹象。在2018年的前两季度报告被波卡特洛, 爱达荷州, 有8.3万居民, 我们现在看到国家最大的 MSA 排名非常高。2015的70万居民估计占该州总人口的46%。

在加利福尼亚州, 旧金山-奥克兰-弗里蒙特 msa 有一个9.6% 的升值率预测, 而科罗拉多州的大型丹佛-极光-布鲁姆菲尔德 msa 预计将看到平均房地产价格上升9.5%。


预测是通过确定某些关键预测因素将如何影响房地产, 在六、12、18和24月的地平线上创建的。此报告的358管理事务协议包括1008个县和13946邮政编码, 从以前的报告中的所有类别的另一增加。邮政编码和县数据进一步细分为 SFRs 和公寓/联排别墅的低、中、高价格层。

the VeroFORECAST next 1 year appreciation rate :  

(Las Vegas-Paradise, Nevada) 
= 10.8%

This real estate market will see almost 12% in appreciation

This Washington state MSA is projected to lead in appreciation

October 29, 2018

Eric Fox
The new VeroFORECAST is now out with predictions that the 10 Metropolitan Statistical Areas at the top of the report will appreciate from 9.3 to 11.7% through September 1, 2019.
The market with the highest projected average appreciation over the next year is Bremerton-Silverdale, Washington at 11.7% for single-family residences and 11% appreciation for condos and townhomes. The Bremerton market remains one of the strongest markets in the country, with its extremely low 1.4-month supply of homes struggling to fill the demands of its growing population.
Its predicted 11.7% appreciation is six-tenths of a percent higher than the top-ranked market in our VeroFORECAST reports in first and second quarter 2018. That market, in both reports, is right across the Puget Sound from Bremerton: Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue. It remains in the top 10 this quarter, but drops to tenth place with a 12-month prediction of 9.3%.
Here are the 10 markets at the top of the VeroFORECAST for the year beginning September 1, 2018:
  1. Bremerton-Silverdale, Washington, 11.7%
  2. Boise City-Nampa, Idaho, 11.2%
  3. Las Vegas-Paradise, Nevada, 10.8%
  4. Bellingham, Washington, 10.6%
  5. Olympia, Washington, 10.3%
  6. Carson City, Nevada, 10.1%
  7. Reno-Sparks, Nevada, 10%
  8. San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, California, 9.6%
  9. Denver-Aurora-Broomfield, Colorado, 9.5%
  10. Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, Washington, 9.3%
Just over 80 nautical miles north of Bremerton and Seattle, through the interconnected waterways lies Bellingham Bay and another of the report's top-ten appreciating U.S. markets. We predict that both single-family residences and condos/townhomes in the Bellingham, Washington MSA will appreciate on average by 10.6% over the next 12 months. Though the supply of homes in Bellingham is not as low as in Bremerton, it is still under two months, and continues to fall. Its 15-year population growth has been over 30%, far above the national average. That growth is keeping Bellingham among the strongest markets in the country.
Add the fifth-ranked Olympia, WA MSA and Washington again has four of the top ten markets. The other state with a big presence in the Top 10 is Nevada. The Las Vegas-Paradise MSA, the state's largest, returns this quarter to join Carson City and Reno-Sparks, the latter a Top 10 fixture for the last two VeroFORECAST reports. Rounding out the 10 MSAs are Idaho, California and Colorado.
The Washington and Nevada markets have dominated each 12-month forecast during 2018. They shared six of the top 10 spots for the first half of the year, and now a seventh. The other three or four spots have been divided each quarter among the same five states: California, with an MSA in each quarter's Top 10, and Colorado, Idaho and Oregon with an MSA in two of the three reports. Texas' one top-ten showing this year was the Midland MSA in the first quarter.
With Boise City-Nampa, Idaho jumping into the Top 10’s second spot with a projected appreciation rate of 11.2%, we see an indication of Idaho's changing economy. After being represented in 2018's first two quarterly reports by Pocatello, Idaho, with 83,000 residents, we now see the state's largest MSA ranking very high. Its 2015 estimates of 700,000 residents account for about 46% of the state's population.
In California, the San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont MSA has a 9.6% appreciation rate forecast, while Colorado's large Denver-Aurora-Broomfield MSA is predicted to see average real estate prices go up by 9.5%.
The forecast is created by determining how certain key predictors will impact real estate, at six, 12, 18 and 24-month horizons. This report's 358 MSAs include 1,008 counties, and 13,946 ZIP codes, another increase across all categories from previous reports. The ZIP code and county data are further segmented into low, medium, and high price tiers for both SFRs and condos/townhouses.



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