16亿美元的 (拉斯维加斯) 体育馆的计划 !!!

16亿美元的拉斯维加斯体育馆的计划 由Erik拉斯维加斯评论杂志马林诺斯基 2011年2月28日|下午5点五十

Ramon Wu
点击这里......... = http://www.lvcnn.com/ad.jpg
Direct: (702) 334-7767
email = 168lasvegas@gmail.com
Las Vegas National Sports Center如果其中的一个财大气粗的投资者集团的方式,拉斯维加斯市中心很快就将三个闪亮的新体育场馆,可以容纳从棒球篮球曲棍球。成本呢?区区一十五万七千五点零万美元。

由开发克里斯米勒姆的带领下,集团乐观地认为,如果所有的作品入到位,它可以打破现场地面 - 不远的地方美国15号州际公路和95号干线位于满足 - 今年秋天的某个时候。然而,首先,投资者必须谋生的竞争计划建造一个40000个座位的足球场举办UNLV的运动了。



Looking Ahead
展望未来 当然,原始的三个新场馆建设将是任何重大寻求振兴与专业运动队甘薯新挖的繁华城市的大新闻。拉斯维加斯,但是,对于几个不同的原因。首先,它的拉斯维加斯。所以它不是像市区正因为更多的经济活动鼓噪,只要老虎机处理不脱落集体长。


求爱租户 在这一点上,对大球场竞技场棒球场三连胜列为正式建议从NBA,足球大联盟和AAA小联盟棒球未来准租户。 (这一十五万七千五百点〇〇〇万美元价格超过5亿美元将用于购买一个或更多的球队的标签帐户。)


Courting Tenants
足球梦 显然,高于一切,拉斯维加斯很想土地专业​​足球队。这就是最大的收入来源等待,但是这(有点讽刺)是什么让这么橄榄球来罪恶之城水性杨花。

超级碗,因为我们刚刚目睹了当包装工撞倒在二月初的钢人,是巨大的商业赌徒,并把在拉斯维加斯NFL球队 - 甚至超级碗本身 - 做可能会造成主机的伦理问题美国橄榄球联盟将坦率甚至不认为是正确的,有什么凭借着它在即将到来的体育瘫痪停工的关注。

The Football Dream

现在,所有的拉斯维加斯需要的是职业运动队 - 或者两个或三个 - 我们好去。

Not If, But When

The Insane, $1.6 Billion Las Vegas Stadium Plan
  • 5:50 pm  |  
  • Categories: Business, Venues

Las Vegas National Sports Center

If one group of deep-pocketed investors has its way, downtown Las Vegas will soon be home to three shiny new stadiums that could accommodate sports ranging from baseball to basketball to hockey.
The cost? A mere $1.575 billion.
Led by developer Chris Milam, the group is optimistic that, if all the pieces fall into place, it can break ground on the spot — located near where Interstate 15 and US Route 95 meet — sometime this fall. First, however, the investors have to fend off of a competing plan to build a 40,000-seat football stadiumto host UNLV sports.
The official proposal (.pdf) for the multi-facility Las Vegas National Sports Center dismisses the proposedUNLV Now stadium as "a single 40,000 fixed seat venue that is appropriate in size only for collegiate football. There is no professional sports franchise which can use a building of this size. Consequently, the UNLV Now building will have little potential to generate meaningful revenue to offset its cost."
So a battle looms for Las Vegas stadium supremacy. But what might city residents look forward to if this three-building proposal ever comes to fruition?

Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead

Of course, the construction of three pristine new stadiums would be big news for any major city looking to revitalize its downtown with sweet new digs for professional sports teams. Las Vegas, however, is different for a couple of reasons.
First, it's Las Vegas. So it's not like the downtown area is exactly clamoring for more economic activity, as long as the slot machine handles don't fall off en masse.
Second, Las Vegas doesn't have any professional sports teams. So the investors would be building on spec, with no guarantee that teams will come to the city if they do.

Courting Tenants

Courting Tenants

At this point, the official proposal for the stadium-arena-ballpark trifecta lists prospective tenants as coming from the NBA, Major League Soccer and AAA minor league baseball. (And that $1.575 billion price tag accounts for more than $500 million that would be used to purchase one or more teams.)
Attracting an NBA franchise isn't as far-fetched as it sounds, because the league did host its All-Star Game there in 2007, and teams like the New Orleans Hornets are on the verge of being sold to new ownership groups.
MLB seems like more of a long shot, as the stadium will be built to accommodate 9,000 fans for minor league games. But it could be expanded to 36,000, if a pro franchise relocates to the city.

The Football Dream

The Football Dream

Obviously, above all else, Las Vegas would love to land a professional football team. That's where the biggest revenue stream awaits, but that's (somewhat ironically) what makes the NFL so skittish about coming to Sin City.
The Super Bowl, as we just witnessed when the Packers knocked off the Steelers in early February, is huge business for gamblers, and putting an NFL franchise in Las Vegas — or even the Super Bowl itself — could potentially create a host of ethical questions that the NFL would frankly not even consider right now, what with its attention on an impending sport-crippling lockout.
As it stands now, a Major League Soccer franchise, for which the stadium could seat 25,000 fans comfortably, is far and away the most likely tenant to play at the stadium.

Not If, But When

Not If, But When

Professional sports won't be able to stay out of Las Vegas forever, and Mayor Oscar Goodman has expressed his support for a downtown stadium to attract some franchise looking for a fresh start. If the three-structure proposal does indeed break ground this fall, the development group thinks it can be finished by October 2013, if there are no further hiccups.
Now, all Las Vegas needs is a professional sports team -- or maybe two or three -- and we're good to go.

Ramon Wu
Direct: (702) 334-7767
e-Fax:  (888) 889-9522
ECO PropertiesBranch Office: 4100 W. FLAMINGO RD. Suite #2500

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Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas