




Las Vegas home sales decline in first quarter in most ZIP codes

Fifty-one of 63 ZIP codes in Clark County recorded home-price declines in the first quarter, according to a San Diego-based research firm. Eleven ZIP codes reported price increases from the first quarter of 2010, and one remains even with last year, DataQuick reported. Overall, prices of existing and new homes and condos sold for a median price of $118,000 between January and March, a 9.2 percent decline from the first quarter of 2010.
Map it out, Vegas
The maps below show median sale prices for single-family homes in each valley ZIP code for the first quarter of this year, and the percent change from the same period last year. Overall, the median price was $118,000 for a decline of 9.2 percent.



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拉斯维加斯在夏天难以忍受吗? 那么为什么还是有这么多人要跑到 VEGAS 退休呢 ?? 背景房子正在出售 = 买一送一! 因为它有一个 100% free "CASITA" 4 UUU !!!

Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas