U DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS=====>>> Thursday-August 4th (Las Vegas Financial Opportunity Seminar

August 4th Las Vegas Financial Opportunity Seminar
We are excited to have Mr. Jack Wu, Executive Field Chairman, conduct the FOS (Financial Opportunity Seminar) in Las Vegas Hilton on
Thursday, August 4th
Jack Wu is the first PFA Million Dollar Earner awarded the 10-Diamond Million Dollar Club Ring and is a top Executive of one of the largest Financial Marketing Company in America. Jack will conduct an extremely powerful seminar on how to leverage the PFA opportunity by helping people first, and simultaneously make tremendous amount of money either part time or full time in Financial Service Industry.

This is the best time for all of you to invite lots of guests and leverage Jack to build your business. Jack is the top money maker in this company and the best in presenting the opportunity to build your team in Las Vegas. Lets jam pack the room with lots of guests!

Hilton Hotel Address: 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas NV 89109
Time: 7:00p.m. to 9:30p.m. (All guests arrive at 7p.m.)
Date: 8/4/2011

Lan's TV Show: Celestial Woman



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Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas