紐約買家大手筆 買下 VEGAS (VEERS TWIN TOWERS "427" CONDOS) 德維爾雙樓

LVCNN-Las Vegas Chinese Newspaperhttp://lvcnn.com/news.php?id=8342

紐約買家大手筆 買下德維爾雙樓

新聞日期: 2012/12/24


1億1千9百萬美元購入427套單元 又創地產交

易新高 開發商拒透露買主身份

  遭遇經濟危機的寒流,賭城大道城市中心(City Center)推出的德維爾雙樓(Veer Towers)一直難以脫手。近日一名紐約買家砸下1億1千9百萬美元,一舉購入該豪華高層大樓內的427套單元,創下南內州地產交易的又一新高。

  克拉克縣物業登記處的記錄顯示,這名買家是LVT Owner LLC公司,與Ladder Capital投資公司共用一個註冊地址。Ladder Capital公司主要投資商用地產及按揭貸款。

  米高梅國際度假集團(MGM Resorts International) 與杜拜世界( Dubai World)共同打造城市中心,德維爾雙樓是城市中心項目的核心部分之一。德維爾雙樓各有335套公寓單元,每套面積從500平方英尺至 3,300平方英尺不等。







  今年希爾頓全球酒店集團(Hilton Worldwide)大手筆購

入川普國際酒店(Trump International Hotel)內的約300


Veer Towers virtually sold out with bulk sale of 427 units

21 December 2012
10:44 a.m.

A New York investment firm has paid $119 million cash for more than 60 percent of the condos at CityCenter’s Veer Towers.
The bulk sale of 427 units to Ladder Capital, recorded Thursday in Clark County, means almost all the available inventory has been snapped up.
The 37-story luxury high rises on the Strip are 98 percent sold, developers said today. The 11 remaining units are all penthouses.
Ladder paid around $300 per square foot, while asking prices for individual buyers have started in the $500 range, said Tony Dennis, executive vice president of CityCenter Residential. About 320 of the units sold to Ladder are already being rented, he said.
Dennis said the deal was in the works for more than a year and brings "new energy and new money" into the market. The deal gives a boost to Las Vegas' condo sector and, as Dennis sees it, shows that "the future is going to better than it is today."
Ladder CEO Brian Harris did not return a call seeking comment.
Veer Towers, which lean at a 5 degree angle, have 335 units each. The homes range from about 500 to 3,300 square feet. Amenities include valet parking, exercise facilities, steam rooms and saunas.
The 67-acre CityCenter complex is a joint venture between MGM Resorts International and a subsidiary of Dubai World, a Dubai-owned holding company.
This was at least the second bulk sale of residential units on or near the Strip this year.
Hilton Worldwide’s timeshare division bought roughly 300 condo units at Donald Trump’s golden high-rise, Trump International Hotel Las Vegas.
Hilton plans to use the units as timeshare accommodationsstarting next spring.


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拉斯维加斯在夏天难以忍受吗? 那么为什么还是有这么多人要跑到 VEGAS 退休呢 ?? 背景房子正在出售 = 买一送一! 因为它有一个 100% free "CASITA" 4 UUU !!!

Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas