Below, you will find the Median Price Report for SFRs and Condos, from the weekly NARREIA Resale Trends report. If you would like the full report, which contains much more information, please send me an email or give me a call. I’d be happy to set aside some time to chat with you about this and other services we can provide to assist you in your business endeavors.

As always, if you need assistance with any of your real estate needs, I’m only a phone call or email away. I greatly enjoy providing the highest level of customer service and commitment. Please consider using First American Title on your next transaction; I am sincerely thankful for your business!
As always, if you need assistance with any of your real estate needs, I’m only a phone call or email away. I greatly enjoy providing the highest level of customer service and commitment. Please consider using First American Title on your next transaction; I am sincerely thankful for your business!
All the Best!
- Rhonda