年度总收入为$31,800 = 这栋 "4户型"公寓, 位于 VEGAS 西北部,靠近高速公路,有所有年级的学校,主要的巴士路线,购物中心以及主要运输动脉。 这公寓建于1978年,超过3,400平方英尺的居住空间,为住户提供大的居住空间远远高于平均水平。 共有4个单元都是=有两间卧室=和两间浴室,并可以走入式的大衣柜间。瓷砖,复合地毯地板,中央暖气和空气充足的开/关路边停车租户利用。 这栋多住户型公寓设有安全大门,但不设有物业管理费。该物业最近完成了修复,目前正在由管理公司出租。单位将租$675 &$ 650每月,每月的毛收入为$ 2650, 年度总收入为$31,800一度完全出租的话。 这栋多住户型公寓内还设有一个投币式洗衣房可增加额外收入。这栋这栋多住户型公寓的售价低于附近同类型的公寓。千万不能错过这个好投资的机会,它的出租率的增加是巨大的升值潜力。Building Details
瓷砖,复合地毯地板,中央暖气和空气充足的开 /关路边停车租户利用。
单位将租$675 &$ 650每月,每月的毛收入为$ 2650,
Building Details
Price: | $259,999.00 |
Building Size: | 3,468 SF |
Price/SF: | $74.97/SF |
Listing Type: | For Sale |
Property Type: | Multi-Family |
Lot Size: | 0.18 AC |
Listing ID: | OP19640736 |
Space Available
Subject property is located in the northwest part of Las Vegas and is conveniently close to freeways, schools of all grade levels, major bus routes, shopping as well as main transportation arteries. Built in 1978 this property has over 3400 sqft of living space for tenants to enjoy along with a larger than average lot boasting 7841 total sqft. There are a total of 4 units all of which are two bedrooms two bathrooms with master walk in closets, tile, laminate or carpet flooring, central heat and air and plenty of on/off street parking for tenants to utilize. The grounds are gated and this property IS NOT subject to an HOA. The property has recently completed its rehab and is now being tenanted by the management company. Units will be renting for $675 & $650 per month with $2650 in gross monthly income and an annual gross income of $31,800 once fully occupied. There is also a coin operated laundry room on site for additional income generation. Priced below neighborhood comps this complex offers new ownership the opportunity to acquire an asset in great condition within a strong rental market with huge upside potential for rental rate increases as well as capital appreciation.
Building Details
Building Name: | 100% Occupied Rehabbed 4 Plex NW Vegas |
Number of Floors: | 2 |
Year Built: | 1978 |
Bulding Size: | 3,468 |