CAPRATE=9.2% (NOI=$27,630) 每月的租赁收入= $ 2950 ((NO HOA FEE)) LAS-VEGAS 四拼公寓 4U-APT 开价=$299,900 (请现在打我电话 @702-334-7767 = VEGAS # 1 RAMON WU 吴)

CAPRATE=9.2% (NOI=$27,630) 每月的租赁收入= $ 2950 ((NO HOA FEE)) LAS-VEGAS 四拼公寓 4U-APT 开价=$299,900 (请现在打我电话 @702-334-7767 = VEGAS # 1 RAMON WU 吴)

4 Units are rented property have just been remodel!
Property have just been remodels, New Sewer Line, new electric lines and Plumbing, Fresh Paint and 3 new kitchens and Granite counter tops on all kitchens, Property have been painted out side as well, Great Investment.


此博客中的热门博文 賭城那裡治安好?學區好?那裡容 易出租?那裡交通方便?

拉斯维加斯在夏天难以忍受吗? 那么为什么还是有这么多人要跑到 VEGAS 退休呢 ?? 背景房子正在出售 = 买一送一! 因为它有一个 100% free "CASITA" 4 UUU !!!

Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas