賭城大道 將建全球最大摩天輪 !!!!!!!!!!

賭城大道 將建全球最大摩天輪

August 05, 2011 06:00 AM | 771 次 | 0 0 評論 | 1 1 推薦 | 電郵給朋友 | 打印

賭城大道上將出現二個「大眼睛」,由凱撒娛樂提出的第二座大如「倫敦眼」的摩天輪計畫Ling,獲准興建,將在帝王宮(Imperial Palace)與紅鶴(Flamingo)後方空地上,預計花費5億元。

今年5月,賭城第一個摩天輪計畫剛破土,由開發商布洛克(Howard Bullock)在曼德拉灣(Mandalay Bay)對面10英畝空地上規畫的大型雲霄飛車遊樂餐飲中心,將於2013年初呈現。

克拉克縣議會並不介意賭城大道上有更多的摩天輪,縣政委員希索利克(Steve Sisolak)說,它帶來工作機會及政府稅收,多多益善。布朗委員(Steve Sisolak)表示,這項計畫是另一個賭城經濟成長的起點,它使大家建立信心。



花巨資興建摩天輪的時機選在經濟不景氣的時候,凱撒宮發言人貝吉特(Marybel Batjer)表示,希望在賭城大道上營造出如邁阿密南灣(South Beach)那樣的特色風情,求新求變是賭城的特質,凱撒娛樂目前有能力為遊客創新旅遊美好經驗。

Read more:世界新聞網-北美華人社區新聞 - 賭城大道 將建全球最大摩天輪

Caesars Entertainment aims to start work this month on the $500 million entertainment, retail and dining complex known as Project Linq.

賭城大道上將出現二個「大眼睛」,由凱撒娛樂提出的第二座大如「倫敦眼」的摩天輪計畫Ling,獲准興建,將在帝王宮(Imperial Palace)與紅鶴(Flamingo)後方空地上,預計花費5億元。
 Bulloch, who is behind the Skyvue development on the south end of the Strip across from Mandalay Bay, said he has acquired the two giant 23,000-pound bearings needed to operate a 500-foot tall London Eye-style wheel that is the centerpiece of the project. He unveiled one of the bearings back in May, when he announced plans for the $300 million retail and entertainment space.

He brought up the issue of bearings on Thursday, the day after Clark County approved the land use and design for Project Linq, a $500 million complex being developed by Caesars Entertainment between the Flamingo and Imperial Palace, that includes a 550-foot Ferris wheel as its centerpiece.

Bulloch didn't know whether Caesars had acquired their bearings.
"The two large bearings take 18 months to manufacture," Bulloch said.
Caesars spokesman Gary Thompson said Thursday that the company is planning to reveal more details about Project Linq during a briefing on Aug. 17, including the technological aspects of constructing the observation wheel, which would be larger than the Singapore Flyer and the London Eye. The wheel's 32 cabins will each carry up to 30 people.

Company officials told Clark County they hoped to start work on Project Linq later this month. The work will employ 3,000 construction workers; when it's complete, it will create 1,500 jobs.
Project Linq will include 326,000 square-feet of retail, dining and entertainment venues, with the wheel being built at the back of the complex toward Audrie Street. Audrie and Ida Avenue would be converted from public to private streets, with parking on adjacent parcels.
Thompson said Caesars expects to finish the project in 2013.

Meanwhile, despite competition from the world's largest gaming company, Bulloch and his Compass Investments are pushing forward with Skyvue, which includes 140,000 square-feet of retail, dining and entertainment.

Bulloch said his project will have the only Ferris wheel directly on the Strip. Skyvue, he said, would offer better views than Project Linq.
But Thompson said Caesars has fully financed Project Linq.
Bulloch said he still in the process of lining up financing but has begun clearing his 39-acre parcel, which includes the defunct Happi Inn, a 1950s-era motel. He said he would open Skyvue late next year.

"If you fly in and out of Las Vegas, you won't miss our wheel," Bulloch said of the project, which is adjacent to McCarran International Airport. "That's our marketing."

Project Linq, which will not have a casino, is located in the middle of a hotel-casino area owned by Caesars Entertainment, including the Flamingo, Harrah's Las Vegas and Caesars Palace.
As part of Project Linq, new facades will be given to the Imperial Palace and O'Sheas.
During the company's first-quarter earnings conference call in February, Caesars Chairman Gary Loveman said Project Linq was at "the 50-yard line of the city." Loveman said the development would attract customers from neighboring casinos operated by the company and competitors.

"We need a dynamic that will bring (hotel guests) into our neighborhood so that we can entertain them in some capital-efficient way," Loveman said.Image

今年5月,賭城第一個摩天輪計畫剛破土,由開發商布洛克(Howard Bullock)在曼德拉灣(Mandalay Bay)對面10英畝空地上規畫的大型雲霄飛車遊樂餐飲中心,將於2013年初呈現。

克拉克縣議會並不介意賭城大道上有更多的摩天輪,縣政委員希索利克(Steve Sisolak)說,它帶來工作機會及政府稅收,多多益善。布朗委員(Steve Sisolak)表示,這項計畫是另一個賭城經濟成長的起點,它使大家建立信心。



花巨資興建摩天輪的時機選在經濟不景氣的時候,凱撒宮發言人貝吉特(Marybel Batjer)表示,希望在賭城大道上營造出如邁阿密南灣(South Beach)那樣的特色風情,求新求變是賭城的特質,凱撒娛樂目前有能力為遊客創新旅遊美好經驗。

賭城大道 將建全球最大摩天輪

Wheel plans for Las Vegas Strip spinning



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