High-rise sales continue to soar at Allure Las Vegas

High-rise sales continue to soar at Allure Las Vegas



Posted: Aug. 13, 2011 | 2:00 a.m.

倾城拉斯维加斯在七月份售出17个单位。这41层的豪华高层总额已在2011年迄今出售48。 倾城副总裁马特Brimhall预计本月类似的销售数量。 他说:“八月,我们有没有问题,至少有尽可能多的销售,如果不是更多的”。
按照目前的速度将少于50个单位未售出的9月1日离开。 Brimhall说,该物业的位置和金融稳定,目前购房者非凡的价值。高层位于 THE VEGAS STRIP 和15号州际公路和拉斯维加斯市中心提供方便的访问。
“我们很高兴继续提供巨大的价值投资者和人民的期待,倾城的销售和营销管理公司,”约翰说,总裁兼经纪人Northcap TIPPINS。 “我认为拉斯维加斯社会认识到建筑物的价值。,事实上,建筑物是85%出售,展望未来几年内将会有没有这种规模的新的竞争提供了购房者的极端信心倾城是在拉斯维加斯的最佳值。“
“倾城的销售强劲,继续显示其竞争对手的分离。,这个建筑的财政稳定,继续买方和平的心态和他们的投资和置业的整体健康的关键,”Brimhall。 拉斯维加斯素食者不承认该财产的价值的唯一。罗博报告最近在其“凡现在购买”节的吸引力和特色的建设列为1号在拉斯维加斯的价值。
随着起价为174,900美元的住宅,业主在拉斯维加斯倾城可以享受周围群山的意见,与城市景观,沿。公寓配备24小时门卫,俱乐部客房与餐饮厨房,一个小屋和礼宾服务,私人屋顶游泳池。 总部设在芝加哥的费菲尔德房地产开发的倾城,创造了一个高品质的豪华建筑,代表着企业的发展一流的住宅大楼的强烈的历史。费菲尔德自1977年以来已建立,并已完成了价值超过40亿美元的项目。


Allure Las Vegas closed 17 units in the month of July. The 41-story luxury high-rise has totaled 48 closings thus far in 2011.
Allure Vice President Matt Brimhall expects a similar volume of sales this month.
"We are on track to close at least as many, if not more, in August," he said.

The current pace will leave less than 50 units unsold by Sept. 1. The property's location and its financial stability present homebuyers exceptional value, Brimhall said. The high-rise is situated just off the Strip and provides easy access to Interstate 15 and downtown Las Vegas.

"We are excited to continue to provide great value to investors and people looking to make Allure their home," said John Tippins, president and broker of Northcap, the sales and marketing management company for Allure. "I believe that the Las Vegas community recognizes the value of the building. The fact that the building is 85 percent sold, and the outlook that there will be no new competition of this magnitude within the next few years provides buyers with the extreme confidence that Allure is the best value in Las Vegas."

"Allure's robust sales continue to display the separation from its competitors. The financial stability of this building continues to be the key to a buyer's peace of mind and the overall health of their investment and purchase of a home," Brimhall added.
Las Vegans are not the only ones recognizing the value of the property. Robb Report recently featured Allure in its "Where to buy now" section and ranked the building as the No. 1 value in Las Vegas.

With residences starting at $174,900, owners at Allure Las Vegas can enjoy views of the surrounding mountains, along with the cityscape. Residences come with a 24-hour doorman, a club room with catering kitchen, a private rooftop pool with cabanas and concierge service.
Chicago-based Fifield Realty, the developer of Allure, has created a high-quality luxury building that represents the company's strong history of developing first-class residential towers. Fifield has been building since 1977 and has completed projects worth more than $4 billion.

Fifield's senior vice president and principal in charge of Allure since its inception, Alan Schachtman, credits Allure's continued strong sales to Fifield's long history of developing successful high-rise buildings and the fact that the developer has continued to work closely with the homeowners association, even after turnover, to ensure Allure's success.

Each residence at Allure has balconies overlooking the desert landscape and views of the city and Las Vegas Strip. Incorporated into the homes are 9-foot-6-inch ceilings, European-style cabinets, granite countertops and Italian porcelain flooring.

Exterior Front

Den/Family/Great Room

Den/Family/Great Room



Dining Room

Master Bedroom

Master Bath/Spa






Swimming Pool/Hot Tub/Sauna

Den/Family/Great Room

Master Bath/Spa









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