las vegas wynn paradise park 永利渡假村宣布大型維加斯擴建項目!
las vegas wynn 永利渡假村
史蒂夫永利(Steve Wynn)打算把其維加斯渡假村背後的高爾夫球場改造成一個廣闊的新發展項目,當中包括一個佔地38英畝的潟湖景點,以及設有1,000個房間的酒店大樓,一個小型賭場、餐廳、夜生活和會議空間。
永利渡假村有限公司董事長兼首席執行官史蒂夫永利於週三在維加斯向投資者公佈是項計劃,計劃暫名為永利天堂公園(Wynn Paradise Park),開發項目將建於佔地130英畝的用地,位於Wynn Las Vegas與Encore以東,現在屬高爾夫球場用地。該項目似乎還未落實價碼,但是永利表示,項目成本可能高達$16億美元,並需要公司的董事會批準。正如永利所描述,天堂公園很大程度上會充當娛樂景點,項目將建白色沙灘、木棧道,並在中央建一個小島。客人可以在白天滑水、玩槳板和帆傘,晚上可以參加焰火晚會,永利形容為“就像迪士尼般”。顧客需要支付入場費。
根據永利渡假村所發的聲明,除了上述設施,項目亦會建一個佔地260,000平方英呎的會議設施,可欣賞海濱景緻;還有舒適的酒店客房,附有“獨立的臥室、客廳和陽臺”,以及“各種餐館”。該項目公佈之際,永利渡假村也展開了建設大型奢侈品購物商場永利廣場(Wynn Plaza)的計劃,該設施將設於賭場大道附近,發展將包括開發75,500平方英呎的豪華零售空間,料會於2017年落成。賭場大亨強調非博彩業務的重要性,比博彩經營帶來更多收入。
永利新娛樂設施計劃 創意十足 永利天堂公園將出現38英畝人工湖 會議會展場所賓館高樓將繞湖而建 尚需董事會批准 記者肖劍波/綜合報導 新聞日期: 2016/04/08 |
Boom! Steve Wynn to Reinvent the Strip With Wynn Paradise Park

Wynn Resorts
Wynn Paradise Park model
Dining, Drinking, Disney-style attractions and acres of white sand waterfront
Described by Steve Wynn as "the most fun project in my 45 years," the chairman of Wynn Resorts has blindsided investors with his barely eight-month-old surprise plans to completely remodel 130 acres of his empire. Taking over a footprint that includes the Wynn Golf Club, Wynn Paradise Park will feature a sandy-beached waterfront around a 38-acre lagoon. While yet to be finalized, Wynn imagines nine holes of the golf course will remain.
Explaining this is "once more a chance to reinvent Las Vegas, period," the Park will be loomed over by a new 1,000-room hotel tower, including a small casino. The addition would follow the Encore hotel room template "with a bedroom and a living room, except we've added a balcony to the outside and retracting glass doors, so all this opens to the south looking at the lake."
A "variety" of restaurants are already promised, including a major expansion of the Country Clubsteakhouse imagined to "almost" double in size to take advantage of its views of the new lagoon. Many of the bars, ice cream spots and restaurants will follow a "boardwalk" appropriate theme.
Expecting to host two lake shows a day, complete with music accompaniment, Wynn aims to outperform his new theme park competition with nightly fireworks displays launched from a 120-foot center island. Wynn explained, "We could put a water ski show in the afternoon and we could at night have a great show like they have at Disneyland only bigger and we can have fireworks every night and fire five-inch shells that would cover the whole 40 acres as an umbrella."
He has not ruled out charging admission for non-hotel guests, rationalizing, "who gives a damn about $25 or $20 bill today, when a show in this town costs $110. We could stay under $50 and be the greatest bargain in the whole Strip...a $50 bill is bupkis in this town. " Another 260,000 square feet of meetings space will help pay for the estimated billion dollar upgrade.
To keep the Paradise Lagoon as pristine as possible, Wynn has turned to real-estate developerFernando Fischmann and his Crystal Lagoons company, a primary inspiration for Wynn's visions of water skiing, paddle boarding and parasailing within walking distance from the Strip. The proposal needs to be presented to the Wynn resorts board with plans, numbers and final ambitions in place by "September, October."