Las Vegas Hilton may be getting ready to change its name

Las Vegas Hilton may be getting ready to change its name

Entrance to the Race and Sports SuperBook at the Las Vegas Hilton Tuesday, March 15, 2011.
22 November 2011
9:30 p.m.
The Las Vegas Hilton may soon have a new name: “LVH” or “LVH Las Vegas Hotel & Casino.”
The property’s owner, Colony Resorts LVH Acquisitions LLC, on Sept. 28 filed federal trademark applications to exclusively use one or both of those names.
The applications say the marks would cover hotel, restaurant, lounge and bar services; arena services including providing facilities for sports, concerts, conventions, and exhibitions; casinos and casino gaming; wagering services and entertainment in the form of live performances by bands.
For reasons that haven’t been disclosed, the property on Jan. 1 maylose its right to use the Hilton name unless a deal is worked out with Hilton Worldwide, which owns and licenses the name.
A request for comment on the possible new name was placed with the Hilton’s owner.


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