(LAS VEGAS) Visitation Up, Gambling Down Again in September, 2011

(LAS VEGAS) Visitation Up, Gambling Down Again in September, 2011

POSTED: NOV 09, 2011 12:11 PM PSTUPDATED: NOV 09, 2011 2:15 PM PST
LAS VEGAS  -- Las Vegas attracted more visitors in September compared with the same month a year ago, helped by a whopping 49 percent jump in convention attendance.
But once again, tourists in town didn't gamble as much. The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority reported Wednesday that almost 3.3 million visitors visited in September, up 5.5 percent from September 2010.
It was the 19th monthly increase in year-to-year visitation, and puts the city up 4.7 percent for the first nine months this year. But the report also found gambling revenues were down 6.6 percent in Clark County in September compared with a year ago.
Occupancy neared 86 percent in the more than 150,000 hotel rooms in the city, and the average daily room rate was almost $111.50.



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