WHY NOW IS THE GREAT Investment Opportunities in Las Vegas ???

Las Vegas real estate is on sale and now is the time to buy foreclosures. Here’s why:
- We can sell you Las Vegas Real Estate that will put you in a cash positive investment, with a return of 8-20% depending on your down payment and or cash.
- The number of Las Vegas Real Estate sales have been on a steady incline since 2008 – there has never been a better time to buy homes and or foreclosures.
- Our Las Vegas Real Estate prices have been eroding since 2008 – prices are close to bottom or so low that we will not see any significant statistical reductions moving forward.
- Our rental market is extremely robust; the average investment property is rented quickly within a couple of weeks in most cases, due to the significant number of people who have lost their homes via a foreclosure and must turn to rentals.
- Depending on the home price, a builder cannot buy raw land today and build a house for what many homes are selling for in our local market – replacement costs for Las Vegas real estate exceed buy foreclosure deals.
- We are running out of Las Vegas Real Estate – there is only 35K acres left of land that can be developed in the Las Vegas Valley, the rest is owned by the Federal Government, only about 10% of Nevada is privately owned.
- Nevada is projected to grow approximately 49% by the year 2028, expanding by another 1.3 million people during this time period, while the US as a whole will grow by 22% – the majority of this growth will occur with Las Vegas real estate – now is the time to buy foreclosures.
- You may also want to consider buying a Foreclosure as part of your investment strategy.
Buy Las Vegas Real Estate
Las Vegas Real Estate is truly on sale right now but these great deals won’t last forever. We are dedicated and that is being focused on Foreclosure sales, REO Bank Owned listings and Short Sale homes transactions.
We are Buy Foreclosure experts and trained to handle these specialized transactions and will be an asset to you. We will buy foreclosures for you and acquire them at the lowest price in the shortest amount of time, using our experience to research the right areas for the return you are expecting.
Our Services for Buy Foreclosure Investors
- Strategic Investment Consultation including Sophisticated Cash Flow Analysis
- Facilitating and Managing Tax Deferred 1031 Exchanges
- Market Analysis to identify potential Investment Opportunities
- Funding Source Identification and Presentations
- Help Setting up Corporate Entities for Real Estate Investment
- Help with Property Management Services for Las Vegas Real Estate