

超过117 000时装零售商,设计师和供应商将通过2月15日,作为四大时装贸易展览接管镇仙城。
在Offprice展会的买家包括独立和连锁折扣零售商,如TJ MAXX,贝尔兹插座和一元店。
总体而言,首席执行官斯蒂芬Krogulski Offprice说,他对时尚产业分工仰视。
他举出一个强大的假日消费季节 - 2011年假日季节增长了4.1%,比去年471.5亿美元,根据全国零售联合会零售销售 - 和积极的经济和雇用相关媒体向与会者报告
今年,Offprice的组织者提供一个中央会议参加者要到网络,使用社会化媒体或召开会议,称为连接的地方。 krogulski希望这个节目除了在他为期四天的活动期间,将有助于促进商业交易。
由于Offprice显示包,的ENKVegas WWD魔术大会将带来主要的时装零售商,男性和女性的穿着设计师,供应商和行业分析师。
预计魔术队的2012年出席等于2011年的75000。去年二月魔术公约带来的非赌博的$ 79.4亿美元的经济影响到拉斯维加斯,从拉斯维加斯会议和旅游管理局显示数据。

VEGAS Fashion shows OPEN as four clothes-related exhibitions arrive at same time!

Posted: Feb. 7, 2012 | 1:07 a.m.
Las Vegas just became the center of the fashion universe.

More than 117,000 fashion retailers, designers and suppliers will be in Sin City through Feb. 15 as four fashion trade shows take over the town.

Through Wednesday, ENKWSA, the annual convention of the World Shoe Association staged by ENK International, is in town with a projected 17,000 people at the Sands Expo and Convention Center. This year's event has attracted a slew of international exhibitors, including those from China, Turkey, Pakistan, Mexico and India.

Four days after ENKWSA, from Feb. 12-15, the Offprice Show also will take over the Sands Expo and Convention Center. With about 8,400 attendees, the show will encompass 126,000 square feet as opposed to last year's 120,000-square-foot event. Also, about 22 more exhibitors are expected to be present than in 2011, which had 460.

Buyers at the Offprice Show include both independent and chain discount retailers, such as TJ Maxx, Belz Outlet and dollar stores.
Overall, Offprice CEO Stephen Krogulski said his division of the fashion industry is looking up.

"It's a much different feeling today than it was a year ago," Krogulski said.
He cited a strong holiday spending season -- retail sales for the 2011 holiday season increased 4.1 percent year-over-year to $471.5 billion, according to the National Retail Federation -- and positive economic- and hiring-related media reports as contributing to attendees' optimism.
"People are feeling a little more confident," Krogulski said.
And, he said his attendees are gearing up for their Valentine's Day, Easter and Mother's Day sales events.

This year, Offprice's organizers are providing a central meeting place for attendees who want to network, use social media or hold meetings, called The Connection. Krogulski hopes this addition to the show will help facilitate business transactions during his four-day event. He estimates more business this year than in the recent past.

As the Offprice Show packs it in, the ENKVegas and WWD MAGIC conventions will bring in major fashion retailers, men's and women's wear designers, suppliers and industry analysts.
MAGIC's 2012 attendance is projected to equal that of 2011's 75,000. Last year's February MAGIC convention brought a nongaming economic impact of $79.4 million to Las Vegas, data from the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority show. This year's show will invade the Las Vegas Convention Center and Mandalay Bay from Feb. 13-15.

ENKVegas seems to be positioning itself as an easy-to-navigate, intimate alternative to MAGIC. Housed at Wynn Las Vegas Feb. 13-15, ENKVegas is projecting an attendance of 17,000. Both ENKWSA and ENKVegas are produced by ENK International, a company that produces fashion industry trade shows.
All of the shows are closed to the general public.


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