
(本報記者李欣欣)一家中國能源公司跟內州簽署協議,料會於南內華達州開發一個太陽能發電站和工廠,以建設太陽能電池板。 州長經濟發展辦公室(Governor�s Office of Economic Development)執行主任史蒂夫希爾(Steve Hill)日前代表內州跟中國的新奧集團(ENN Group Co. Ltd.)在洛杉磯簽署了為期三年的諒解備忘錄。新奧集團有權購買在勞克林(Laughlin)附近佔地大約9,000畝的土地,以建設內州清潔能源生態中心(Nevada Clean Energy Eco-Center),當中包括大型的太陽能電池板製造工廠、太陽能發電場和可能包括風力發電的可再生能源中心。該協議要求就開發該設施展開相互對話,以及交流信息和合作規劃、設計和施工。內州熱衷於該項目,因為吸引可再生能源項目是經濟發展辦公室的策略之一,以使經濟多樣化。中國國家副主席習近平見證簽約儀式。希爾在聲明中表示:「是項諒解備忘錄建立了一個平台,讓內州與新奧集團相互討論,以促進自由和開放市場。」暫時,沒有顯示該項目的時間表,以及設施可以創造的就業機會的詳情。

Chinese company expected to develop solar plant near Laughlin

A Chinese energy company has signed an agreement with the state expected to lead to development of a solar-energy generating station and a plant to build solar panels in Southern Nevada.
Steve Hill, executive director of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, signed the three-year memorandum of understanding on behalf of the state with ENN Group Co. Ltd. of China on Friday in Los Angeles.
ENN has acquired an option to buy about 9,000 acres near Laughlin to build what is being called the Nevada Clean Energy Eco-Center.
The site would include a large-scale solar panelmanufacturing facility, a solar farm and a renewable energy center that could include wind-generated power.
The agreement, also signed by ENN North America CEO De-Ling Zhou, calls for a mutual dialogue in the development of the facility, an exchange of information and collaboration in the planning, design and construction.
The state is enthusiastic about the center because attracting renewable energy projects is a part of the Office of Economic Development’s strategy to diversify the economy.
The agreement is the latest of several deals with Chinese entities as Nevada continues to leverage business relationships that began with tourism agreements that led to the opening of a state tourism office in Beijing in 2004.
The signing, one in a series of agreements between several states and Chinese companies, was witnessed by Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping at a signing ceremony.
“This memorandum of understanding establishes a framework for moving forward with discussions between Nevada and ENN as we work to strengthen free and open markets,” Hill said in a release announcing the agreement.
There were no details on a timetable for the project or the number of jobs the facility could create.


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