Top 11 reasons for buyers, sellers and real estate agents to be optimistic about Las Vegas real estate in 2012:

While the country has experienced the worst recession in our recent history, the real estate market shows signs of rebounding in certain areas of the country.

Las Vegas is definitely one of those areas.
Driving the steady rebound are the low interest rates and historic low home prices. Investors and first time home buyers are fueling the sales numbers.

At a glance, here are the top 11 reasons for buyers, sellers and real estate agents to be optimistic about Las Vegas real estate in 2012:

1) Interest rates continue to be low

2) Home prices are stabilizing and/or starting to rise.

3) Home sales are increasing.

4) Distressed properties continue to be the majority of sales.

5) The short sale processes have improved and will help reduce foreclosures.

6) Investors will continue to purchase Las Vegas homes and provide housing for the displaced homeowners.

7) New home builders continue to provide huge incentives for buyers of new homes.

8) Many cities around the country are experiencing a steady rebound, which is good for Las Vegas.

9) Las Vegas continues to be a desirable place to live with a lifestyle unlike any other city.

10) People from other climates and lifestyles move here when their homes sell in other parts of the country.

11) The U.S. Housing economists are predicting recovery, too.

Las Vegas is poised to grow. Has the past 3 years set the stage for future dynamic growth? It appears so!

Ready to take advantage of this wave of good news?
Do a home search on my site

and let me know what you find.

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