SUMMERLIN 規劃完好的沙漠林社區, 新屋符合優質生活需求

規劃完好的沙漠林 (SUMMERLIN) 社區,



September 27, 2012 06:00 AM | 61 次 | 0 0 評論 | 3 3 推薦 | 電郵給朋友 | 打印



                                                                                                                                拉斯維加斯市的「沙漠林」(Summerlin)規劃社區,享有南內華達州最高居住環境聲譽,許多新屋建商把最好的設計,帶進「沙漠林」建造房屋。 沙漠林區是拉斯維加斯市西邊規劃完善的大型新社區,區內有許多公園,好幾座PGA高爾夫球場,圖書館和購物商場,更有不少出名的社團由出自沙漠林,沙漠林社區中心拉斯維加斯舞蹈藝術學院,孕育出許多內華達州傑出的舞蹈人才;而拉斯維加斯室內樂團,更是賭城音樂界的搖籃,這二個團體,每年定期在沙漠林和內華達州各地重要活動中公演。 除了文藝活動頻仍之外,沙漠林有三家很豪華的賭場酒店:Red Rock Casino、Sun Coast Casino、Rampart Casino,居民經常造訪,這三家賭場酒店也成為居民社交聯誼的場所。 道路寬敞,兩旁高大椰林,新穎商業建築在街道兩邊,是來到沙漠林後大家的第一印象,總占地2萬6000英畝的沙漠林大社區,一直是名列全美前矛的最佳住宅地點,對南加州環境熟悉的人,常把拉斯維加斯「沙漠林」比喻作南內華達州的「爾灣」,美國名人明星們,有不少人在「沙漠林」區內山脊處最美夜景帶建築由名家設計的豪宅。 退休居民有南內州理想的「太陽城沙漠林」(Sun City Summerlin),為55歲以上長者設計規畫的「太陽城」內,住著7800餘戶活力充沛的年長人士,他們住在有高球場環繞的平房內,享受著社區每天為他們安排的各項藝文及娛樂活動,日常生活多采多姿。 一家很有名的建商,今年8月起到沙漠林核心地段,推出一批從1785平方呎到2678平方呎的單棟住宅,售價由23萬3000餘元到27萬元。 房屋設計上,每戶底層屋頂高9呎,廚房檯面全採用花崗岩,室內立體門美觀新穎,全屋裝置節能設備,它的基本配備,就已是別人加價後的升級,以符合「沙漠林屋主」基本要求。 走出屋外,馬上有小公園,沙漠林共有150個以上社區小公園,更有總長150英哩的健行散步道,孩子上中、小學都可以步行抵達,是一個環境安全安靜的理想住宅區。(本文由信和地產O'Harmony Realty負責人Ramon吳提供)

Summerlin Signature Lifetyle Family Image

Summerlin Signature Lifestyle

When you live in Summerlin, anything you could ever want is just minutes from your front door. Step outside and you'll always find nearby access to our more than 150-miles of meandering trails. And whichever trail you choose, you're sure to end up in one of our more than 150 neighborhood parks. Along the way you'll discover picturesque streetscapes and a wide-variety of schools, shopping, entertainment, dining options and more. It won't be long before you realize Summerlin is unlike any other master-planned community in Las Vegas. We invite you to experience Summerlin first hand to truly understand the signature lifestyle we've cultivated here. But in the meantime, take a look at all the amenities we have to offer and use this site to explore Summerlin for yourself.


With more than 150 village and neighborhood parks, Summerlin offers a variety of outdoor destinations for exploring, playing or simply enjoying the fresh air.
Signature Summerlin Park
Summerlin Signature Trails


Each village in Summerlin features its own trail system that all connect to form our more than 150-mile, award-winning trail network. Whether it's a short stroll or an epic run, our trails allow you to safely explore as much or as little of the community, at your own pace.

Community Centers

Summerlin offers several community and social centers allowing residents to conveniently gather and get to know one another during a workshop, class, or special community event.
Signature Community Centers
Signature Summerlin Shopping


From groceries to cosmopolitan shopping, Summerlin features several shopping centers throughout our community, so you're never far from what you need or want.


Whether you're looking for a quick bite or a gourmet experience, Summerlin has a wide variety of dining options for any appetite and price range. Some notable restaurants are Vintner Grill or Yardhouse at Red Rock Casino, Resort & Spa, both "2011 Best of Summerlin" winners.
Signature Golf


Summerlin is home to 9 of the finest golf courses  in Las Vegas, including the only two Tournament Players Club (TPC) courses in Nevada and one of the first Bear's Best courses ever built. If you're looking for world-class golf, come tee off in Summerlin.


In Summerlin, we are committed to promoting an active lifestyle. Here you'll find several state-of-the-art fitness facilities, including JW Marriott Las Vegas yoga studio inside Aquae Sulis Spa, 24-hour Fitness Agassi Super Sport & Life Time Athletic.

In addition, professional care is always nearby should you find your health in less than optimal condition, including Summerlin Hospital Medical Center and the Nevada Cancer institute, Nevada's first federally funded and recognized cancer center.
Signature Summerlin Wellness
Signature Worship


As an integrated and inclusive community, Summerlin boasts more houses of worship than any other Las Vegas master-planned community.


Cultural sophistication is a hallmark of life here in Summerlin. You'll find performances of multiple disciplines happening year round in the Donald W. Reynolds Cultural Center, home of the Nevada Ballet Theatre, and Summerlin Library and Performing Arts Center. Festivals. Concerts. Plays. You name it. You'll find it here.
Signature Resorts and Hotels


As the most-established master-planned community in Las Vegas, Summerlin offers a host of amenities, including world-class resort amenities from three of Las Vegas' most notable hotel destinations, Element Summerlin, Red Rock Casino, Resort & Spa and J.W. Marriott Resort, Spa & Golf.

Business Parks

Summerlin is an all-encompassing community allowing our residents to live, work and play, all in the same place. In fact, several of our business parks are comprised of resident owned businesses.
Signature Business Parks
Signature Child Care

Child Care

As a family-oriented community, Summerlin features a host of amenities that cater to this lifestyle, including 7 childcare facilities serving our youngest residents.

Public Schools

A great education system is a cornerstone of our community. Half of Summerlin's twelve public schools received the highest five-star ranking by the Clark County School District,more than any other community in Southern Nevada.
Private Schools

Private Schools

Along with twelve public schools, Summerlin is home to fourteen nationally recognized private schools. Educational excellence abounds here, offering parents plenty of convenient, quality options.

Higher Education

We believe learning should never stop. That's why Summerlin features three institutions of advanced learning, including the renowned Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts Las Vegas.
Higher Education

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