Shops at Summerlin Center 零售中心, 料將恢復興建 梅西百貨成首個主要租戶

(本報記者李欣欣)建設工程一度停滯不前的零售中心Shops at Summerlin即將恢復興建,現已確定梅西百貨(Macy's)為首個主要租戶。 發展商日前表示,梅西百貨會是Shops at Summerlin Centre的首個主要租戶。該項交易確定那個位於維加斯西北部的封存項目會重新啟動。該建設項目鄰近紅石賭場渡假村(Red Rock Resort),於四年前停止施工。梅西百貨現計劃於那裡興建兩層高佔地180,000平方英呎的商店,預期於2014年開業。 該規劃零售區將建超過125家商店和餐館,並設行人天橋和戶外用餐區。該零售區將成為一個建設項目的一環,後者將包括酒店、零售空間和九層高辦公大樓。Shops at Summerlin將於2014年下旬開業,料工程會大約提供1,700個建造業職位,開業後,料會提供2,000個永久性工作崗位。

Shops at Summerlin的建設工程大約於四年前展開,那時計劃進駐的零售商包括梅西百貨、Nordstrom和Dillard's。不過,由於美國經濟走下坡,工程遂於2008年10月煞停,而該項目自始只看到鋼骨架的雛型。 梅西百貨日前表示,該公司正計劃擴大其在時裝秀商城(Fashion Show Mall)的店舖面積,增設一個兩層高佔地105,000平方英尺的梅西百貨男裝店。商店將於明年春天開業。

Developer says Shops at Summerlin retail center back on track with first anchor tenant

Courtesy Photo
A rendering of the Shops at Summerlin which are set to open fall 2014. The Shops at Summerlin will feature over 125 stores and restaurants in an open-air shopping environment with pedestrian thoroughfares and engaging storefronts.
19 September 2012
3:49 p.m.

The Shops at Summerlin

The Shops at Summerlin
COURTESY PHOTO - A rendering of the Shops at Summerlin which are set to open fall 2014. The Shops at Summerlin will feature over 125 stores and restaurants in an open-air shopping environment with pedestrian thoroughfares and engaging storefronts.

Shops at Summerlin Centre

Shops at Summerlin Centre
SAM MORRIS - In the shadow of Red Rock Resort in Summerlin, the steel and concrete shell of the Shops at Summerlin Centre sits immobilized.
The Shops at Summerlin, a stalled retail hub that embodies Las Vegas’ building bust, is back on track for construction with an anchor tenant.
Developer Howard Hughes Corp. said Wednesday that Macy’s will be the first anchor at the planned retail district formerly known as the Shops at Summerlin Centre. The deal confirms the restart of the mothballed project in northwest Las Vegas, developers said.
Macy’s was slated to be a tenant at Summerlin Centre before construction on the project stopped four years ago. The retailer now plans to build a two-level, 180,000-square-foot store, with a scheduled fall 2014 opening.
“This milestone confirms that the Las Vegas economy is recovering, with Summerlin leading the way,” Kevin Orrock, vice president of master planned communities for Dallas-based Howard Hughes, said in a statement.
The retail district near Red Rock Resort will have more than 125 stores and restaurants with open-air pedestrian walkways and outdoor dining, Howard Hughes Corp. said. It will be a part of a 106-acre, 1.5 million-square-foot development that will include hotel and retail space and a nine-story office building, the developer said.
The Shops at Summerlin is slated to open in late 2014. The project is expected to provide roughly 1,700 construction jobs and 2,000 permanent jobs when fully open.
Construction of the Shops at Summerlin Centre began roughly four years ago under then-developer General Growth Properties. Planned retail tenants included Macy’s, Nordstrom and Dillard’s.
But work stopped in October 2008 amid the national economic meltdown, and the project’s steel skeleton has been exposed to the elements ever since.
Chicago-based General Growth filed for bankruptcy protection in April 2009, sinking under $27 billion in debt. When it began to emerge from bankruptcy more than a year later, the company spun off Howard Hughes as a separate, publicly-traded company with control over Summerlin Centre and several other projects.
Howard Hughes had dropped hints that the Summerlin center would re-open. Company executives recently gave a presentation to analysts and investors with a slideshow that had renderings of the project under the words “coming soon.”
Macy’s also said Wednesday that it plans to expand its presence at Fashion Show mall with a new two-level, 105,000-square-foot Macy’s Men’s Store. That store is slated to open next spring.
Macy’s already operates a 201,000-square-foot store in the mall.

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