2014年, 紐約人壽連續第二年增加分紅,$14.3億將會分紅給保單持有人!


Martina Lu 曲孟
Agent (CA Ins. Lic # 0G74965) Cell: 909-997-2566
Executive Council
Protect your loved ones and assets with insurance products.運用保險工具-保護您愛的人和資產。

New York Life Insurance Company
675 Placentia Avenue, Suite 250
Brea, CA 92821 

Dividend announcement: 2014
New York Life increases dividend scale and payout for second straight year
$1.43 billion to be paid to policyholders

Exciting news!On November 20, 2013, New York Life’s Board of Directors voted to approve a total dividend payout of $1.43 billion in 2014. This represents a $109-million (8%) increase over the 2013 level. New York Life is the only major company that has increased both its dividend scale and its total dividend payout for two consecutive years. And this marks the 160th consecutive year in which we have exceeded the guarantees on our whole life policies by paying dividends to participating policyholders.

How the dividend decision is made
Our goal is to pay our participating policyholders the highest-possible dividend we can each year while keeping an eye on our financial strength for current and future generations of policyholders. Low interest rates continue to constrain the returns we earn on the investment of the premiums our policyholders pay us, and that’s a major determinant of dividends. But due to the strength of our operations and our disciplined investing approach, our capital and consolidated surplus — the funds providing added safety and security to our policyholders — are among the strongest in the industry. We are pleased to share this strength with our policyholders in the form of dividends.
Keep in mind: Dividends are not guaranteed and because of the low interest rates that have persisted for several years, the non-guaranteed death benefits and future cash value accumulation in many policies will not equal the values illustrated at the time of purchase. Of course, the guaranteed cash value will, under all circumstances, continue to grow as described in your policy. Please contact your Agent if you would like to go over your policy’s performance.

Our financial strengthOur strong surplus is the main reason why New York Life has the highest ratings for financial strength currently awarded to any life insurer by the four major rating agencies.* While more than 1,000 companies sell life insurance, not one of them has higher ratings than we do.
As a mutual company, we do not need to meet the short-term demands of Wall Street investors. Every single dollar of value we create is carefully managed for the long-term interest of our policyholders — whether it’s by paying dividends, investing in future growth, or ensuring we keep promises to clients decades from now. You, our policyholders, are the only constituency we have.

* Standard & Poor’s (AA+, 6/10/2013), A.M. Best (A++, 6/4/2013), Moody’s (Aaa, 7/19/2013) and Fitch (AAA, 8/1/2013) for financial strength.

Martina Lu 曲孟
Agent (CA Ins. Lic # 0G74965) Cell: 909-997-2566
Executive Council
Protect your loved ones and assets with insurance products.運用保險工具-保護您愛的人和資產。

New York Life Insurance Company
675 Placentia Avenue, Suite 250
Brea, CA 92821 


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