www.1689HES.com 极富现代感的设计 HENDERSON (CORONADO HIGH SCHOOL) 好学校区 ( 3层楼 ) 的房子, 他们每个都有一个中央庭院 !!!


好学校区 ( 3层楼 ) 的房子,
他们每个都有一个中央庭院 !!!



Henderson 有現代流線外表,  明亮室內動線,  

三種不同格局,  家家有中庭和屋頂陽台......

「拉斯維加斯訊」賭城大道迷人的夜景,遠眺更見風情,位於韓德森市最好高中學區內的新屋社區,有十餘項大賭城區內購買新屋優勢,為講求生活品質的人設計建造的新屋,有三種不同格局,  家家有中庭和屋頂陽台,屋內每個房間都是套房,豪華舒適.



        它的優勢包括:韓德森市是富比世雜誌評定全美最安全的十大城市之一;它位於南內華達州最好的綠谷高中學區內;它有最美的賭城大道全景建地;每月管理費僅每戶$48元;緊鄰韓德森市最富有人居住的「麥克唐納莊園及高爾夫球場」;交通方便,很快可上 95及215高速公路通達四處;一樓地面全舖漂亮的磁磚;


        這批新屋售價從 $49萬+餘起,建商特別為在本月底前訂屋者,贈送價值 $1萬5000元的升級裝置,讓買主享用更滿意的家庭生活。(若干条件及限制还适用,请来电索取详细信息)!



Lots 1, 2, & 3 have the most upgrades in them since they are complete and flooring is included in these.  I can price as follows:

Lot 1 – 2820 plan 518,393   -   Bottom Pricing $498,000   (20,393 off the home)

Lot 2 – 3020 plan 535,247   -   Bottom Pricing $495,000   (40,247 off the home)

Lot 3 – 3220 plan 543,649   -   Bottom Pricing $506,000   (37,649 off the home)

Please let me know if you have any more questions and if this is something that will work for you,  I look forward to working with you.


這批新屋售價從 $43萬餘起,建商特別為在本月底前訂屋者 
,贈送價值 $1萬5000元的升級裝置,讓買主享用更滿意的  


these contemporary designs were created with clean lines and a distinctive roof profile that makes a strong architectural statement for any neighborhood. Inside here, you will find a boundless flow of open space that provides unparalleled freedom to create your own personalized living space... and a sense of modern luxury. More than merely a look, the style of here follows function, creating an easy livability that you will love to come home to..

Highlights include

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  • Great School District
  • 16 SEER A/C System
  • Stainless steel appliances
  • Minutes from shopping and restaurants
  • Designer Fixtures amd Faucets
  • 10'/9' Flat ceilings
  • 3rd Floor opt. deck
Henderson’s reputation as one of the safest cities in the nation is gaining credibility.




Another top-10 listing solidifies Henderson’s 

reputation as a safe city

Henderson’s reputation as one of the safest 

cities in the nation is gaining credibility.

InsuranceProviders.com, an independent consumer comparison website, ranks Henderson as the sixth-safest city in the nation.

Last year, Forbes magazine named Henderson the nation’s second-safest city. Forbes produced the rankings based on factors such as median income, poverty rate, violent crime and traffic fatality statistics.

InsuranceProviders.com collected data from the FBI on violent crime, the likelihood of natural disaster through information from the U.S. Geological Survey and from an Allstate Insurance list of the safest cities to drive in America.

According to InsuranceProviders.com, only 0.2 percent of Henderson residents are involved in violent crime. The website noted Henderson was “fairly safe from natural disasters,” and said the average number of years between car accidents for drivers in Henderson is 9.3.

Of Henderson, the website also says, “next to Plano, it has the lowest crime rate of any city with a population of over 100,000.”

“This reinforces again our belief that we are achieving our success in providing a safe and secure community for our residents,” Henderson Mayor Andy Hafen said in a statement. “Safety is a community effort and is a byproduct of all our residents working together with us to provide a place to call home that we can all be proud of.”

Ahead of Henderson on the InsuranceProviders.com list, in descending order from No. 1, are Mesa, Ariz., Colorado Springs, Colo., Tucson, Ariz., St. Paul, Minn., and Fort Wayne, Ind.


The Top Ten Safest Cities In the US

#10) Anaheim, CA
Anaheim has a high risk of natural disaster, compared to the rest of the top ten, and its car accident risk is a little higher than others. But they’re still doing well compared to other cities, and their crime rate is low, qualifying them for number ten on our list.
#9) Aurora, CO
What puts Aurora at number nine? Generally, its citizens go nine years between car accidents, and its likelihood of a natural disaster is quite low. The only thing keeping it from being higher is its relatively high violent crime rate. Of course, that rate is .44%, so Aurora’s not exactly a hotbed of criminal activity.
#8) El Paso, TX
El Paso comes in at number eight in two ways: driving a little more safely (with 9.6 years between wrecks), and sheer luck: it’s a lot less likely to fall victim to a disaster. But, hey, there’s always room for improvement.
         #7) Phoenix, AZ
The only thing keeping Phoenix back? Its crime rate. Phoenix residents go a decade between car accidents and they’re located in one of the safest locations in the country when it comes to natural disasters. Of course, it has a crime rate almost on par with New York City’s, so that’s something the city would do well to address.

#6) Henderson, NV
Henderson, a suburb of Las Vegas, often shows up on safe city lists, and for a reason. Next to Plano, it has the lowest crime rate of any city with a population of over 100,000: a mere .2% of citizens get involved in a violent crime. That, plus being fairly safe from natural disasters and going 9.3 years between accidents, is good enough for number five.
      #5) Fort Wayne, IN
Fort Wayne residents go nearly twelve years without an accident, which, combined with their low crime rate, makes up for their mediocre 25 in natural disaster safety. Go Hoosiers!
#4) St. Paul, MN
Yes, one of the Twin Cities makes our list, despite a (relatively) high rate of crime. How? The natural disaster likelihood is about as low as it gets, and St. Paul apparently welcomes and raises careful drivers: they go an average of ten years without an accident. Maybe they’re blessed?
#3) Tucson, AZ
Noticing a theme here? Arizona did pretty well in our rankings, partially because Arizona drivers are careful drivers (no major city on our list dipped below a decade between accidents), and the state of Arizona is apparently immune to pretty much any natural disaster Mother Nature can dish out, short of heat waves. Tucson actually beats Phoenix, despite having a higher crime rate, thanks to other safety factors.
#2) Colorado Springs, CO
Slightly edging out Fort Wayne in driving (11.9 to 11.6), where Colorado Springs really stands out is its high disaster ranking, an impressive seven out of fifty, meaning it’s very safe. But not as safe as…
#1) Mesa, AZ
Arizona takes it as the safest state in the Union, as all three of its major cities are in the top ten. Mesa residents go 11.7 years without an accident on average, they have almost no natural disaster risk, and their crime rate is an excellent .39%.

Forbes ranks Henderson No. 2 on safest cities list

Leila Navidi

A view of Water Street in downtown Henderson in this 2008 file photo. Forbes ranked Henderson as No. 2 on a list of the nation’s safest cities.

By Ric Anderson (contactRic Anderson

Monday, Dec. 19, 2011 | 9:15 a.m.

A new ranking of the safest cities in the nation places Henderson at No. 2 behind the Dallas suburb of Plano, Texas.

Forbes produced the rankings based on such factors as median income, poverty rate, violent crime and traffic fatality statistics.

Henderson was cited for having a relatively high median income of $61,861, a low poverty rate — 7 percent — and higher median home prices than Las Vegas.

While pointing out that the Las Vegas metro area ranked No. 9 this year on Forbes’ list of America’s Most Dangerous Cities, Forbes quoted UNLV criminology professor Tamara Madensen as saying that “casinos in Henderson cater mainly to local residents, which reduces traffic and the number of tourists moving about in the city.”

The relatively low amount of tourist traffic helps Henderson, Forbes reported, because crime rates are based on Census population and violent crimes involving tourists inflate the numbers.

“The number of people who visit the Strip and downtown Las Vegas each year” — more than 35 million — “make it difficult to estimate the real ‘risk’ of crime for individuals living in Las Vegas. Tourist numbers are rarely factored into risk analyses,” Madensen said in the report.

Plano’s strengths included a median household income of $79,234, a high percentage of college graduates on the police force and a strong community watch program.

Rounding out Forbes’ Top 10 list were: Honolulu, Santa Ana, Calif., Lincoln, Neb., San Jose, Calif., Mesa, Ariz., Colorado Springs, Colo., Aurora, Colo., and New York City.


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