Hundreds splash their way through holiday at Cowabunga Bay

Hundreds splash their way through holiday at Cowabunga Bay: The line had already passed the ticket counter, a 1960s-era station wagon and was snaking its way through the parking lot at about 10:30 a.m. when the first guests were allowed in Cowabunga Bay. The Henderson water park celebrated its grand opening today, with about 2,000 people expected to splash, slide and raft their way through the Fourth of July holiday. Business went ...


此博客中的热门博文 賭城那裡治安好?學區好?那裡容 易出租?那裡交通方便?

拉斯维加斯在夏天难以忍受吗? 那么为什么还是有这么多人要跑到 VEGAS 退休呢 ?? 背景房子正在出售 = 买一送一! 因为它有一个 100% free "CASITA" 4 UUU !!!

Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas