欢迎来到SUN CITY ANTHEM, 得分是第一名 in 55Places.com’s list of its ‘10 favorite luxurious active adult communities in the United States in 2011


欢迎来到SUN CITY ANTHEM,在55Places.com 评为第一位,2011年美国 10项的豪华活动成人社区。你会发现一个美丽的社区与理想的环境和位置在Henderson ,内华达州,距繁华的拉斯维加斯大道仅几英里。Henderson的居民们在那里生活和工作的同时享受文化活动,特殊景点,以及卓越的娱乐设施以及著名的度假胜地,餐馆和购物。


12500多的Henderson居民居住在Sun City Anthem,全国首屈一指的总体规划社区,单层节能住宅,位于社区的高尔夫球场。有三个娱乐中心,包括两个室内和两个室外游泳池和一个室内田径场,一个国家的最先进的健身器材,乒乓球,地掷球,匹克球,桨球,高尔夫球场和一间餐厅。渣打俱乐部和特殊利益集团为居民提供机会,自己的爱好和学习新技能,智力晶石或只是坐下来享受定期的室内和户外娱乐。


Sun City Anthem提供居民一个安宁的环境与一流设施,设施和资源,使他们能够享受退休生活。

 WELCOME TO SUN CITY ANTHEM, rated #1 in 55Places.com’s list of its ‘10 favorite luxurious active adult communities in the United States in 2011.’  Here you will find a beautiful age-qualified community with an ideal climate and stellar location in Henderson, Nevada, just a few miles from the fabulous Las Vegas Strip. Henderson is an oasis retreat in the middle of the Mojave Desert where people can live and work while enjoying an abundance of cultural events, special attractions, miles of trails and open spaces, and superior recreational facilities as well as renowned resorts, restaurants and shopping.

The second largest city in Nevada with almost 300,000 people, Henderson residents profit from a favorable tax structure and an outstanding quality of life. Nearby are Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, Red Rock Canyon, Mount Charleston, Sloan Canyon National Conservation area, along with Black Mountain, the Colorado River and McCullough Mountains. Within a few hours’ drive are the Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce and Yosemite National Parks.

More than 12,500 of Henderson’s residents reside in Sun City Anthem, one of the nation’s premier master-planned communities consisting of 7,144 recent vintage, single-story energy-efficient homes, some of which are situated on the community’s golf courses. All residents have access to three recreational centers that include two indoor and two outdoor pools and an indoor track, state-of-the-art fitness equipment, tennis, bocce ball, pickleball, paddle ball, golf and an on-site restaurant. Chartered clubs and special interest groups provide residents with the opportunity to indulge their hobbies and learn new skills, spar intellectually or just sit back and enjoy regularly scheduled indoor and outdoor entertainment.
Sun City Anthem has its own TV station, which produces weekly programming; a monthly magazine with newsletter; and a resourceful management that combine to keep residents informed and up-to-date on what they need to know in order to enhance their lifestyle, safety and independence.
Sun City Anthem offers its residents a setting of tranquility with superior facilities, amenities and resources so that they can enjoy the retirement that they desire in an environment that enables them to be as active or involved as they wish.




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