哇!! 所有這些拉斯維加斯房屋的投資回報率 = (9-12%)! 而這些6家已經有(良好的長期住戶)詳細資料如下:



ALL These 6 vegas houses already occupied with (good long term tenants) are as follows:

The 6 vegas houses already occupied with (good long term tenants) are as follows:

1. 4940 Naff ridge will be on mls at 189,995 with a 3 year lease option tenant in place at $2,000 per month rent @NET-ROI=11.8%

2. 7947 Quail Harbor will be on the mls at $189,995 with a 5 year lease option tenant in place at $2,000 per month rent

3. 9164 Desirable will be on mls at $129,995 with a 2 year renter in place at $1,295 per month

4. 6868 sky Pointe unit 2068 will be listed on mls at $85,995 with a 2 year renter in place at $995 per month

5. 9169 Novel Court on the mls at $107,995 with a two year renter in place at $1,045 per month

6. 8605 Grand Pine listed on the mls at $129,995 (vacant now) with a prospective 2 years regular tenant at $1,495/m


The 4 vacant homes we have are as follows.
All of these are fully rehabbed and turnkey.

( we will guarantee U a renter with signed lease agreement,
even before U close escrow in 45 days or less,
Otherwise your $2,000 emd deposit will be refunded by the escrow :O))

1. 6717 Barrington Hills to be listed on the mls at $139,995 (vacant)
2. 5677 African Lilly (vacant) to be listed on the mls at $119,995
3. 6424 Kenya Springs (vacant) to be listed on the mls at $109,995
4. 3823 Dusty Glen (vacant) to be listed on the mls at $109,995



www.1689MAP.com 賭城那裡治安好?學區好?那裡容 易出租?那裡交通方便?

拉斯维加斯在夏天难以忍受吗? 那么为什么还是有这么多人要跑到 VEGAS 退休呢 ?? 背景房子正在出售 = 买一送一! 因为它有一个 100% free "CASITA" 4 UUU !!!

Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas