BRAND NEW VEGAS HOMES.......Available Inventory


Available Inventory

BedBath GaragePlan TypeSq FtPriceStatus
MLS#Move In Date View Floor Plans

Las Vegas - Southwest

357740 Ornamento Wy32.522 story1483$124,990Move-In Ready1217956ImmediateFloor Plan
367736 Ornamento Wy32.522 story1470$119,990Move-In Ready1196731ImmediateFloor Plan
377732 Ornamento Wy32.522 story1483$124,990Move-In Ready1215685ImmediateFloor Plan
387728 Ornamento Wy32.522 story1483$126,290Move-In Ready1217962ImmediateFloor Plan
Wineridge Estates
29195 Sheffield Garden Av4322 story1998$169,990Under Construction1216029MarchFloor Plan
39189 Sheffield Garden Av4322 story1998$167,990Under Construction1216032MarchFloor Plan
59177 Sheffield Garden Av4322 story1998$167,990Move-In Ready1197013ImmediateFloor Plan

Las Vegas - Northeast

434271 Winter Cloud Ct32.512 story1209$79,990Move-In Ready1202594Immediate Floor Plan
Los Libros
222386 Rock Slide Cr3221 story1600$115,990 Move-In Ready1212497 Immediate Floor Plan
232378 Rock Slide Cr3221 story1600$115,990Move-In Ready1212503ImmediateFloor Plan

Las Vegas - Southeast

Palm Creek
706990 Majestic Palm Dr32.522 story1760$119,990Under Construction1216058February
795681 Diamond Palm Ct 4 3 2 2 story 2036 $129,990 Move-In Ready 1199717 Immediate

All prices, terms, availability, features, upgrades and concessions are subject to change without notice at the discretion of StoryBook Homes, LLC and its affiliates. Seller will not participate in any cost or fees invloved with a lender other than Seller's Preferred Lender. Sales Representatives are employed by StoryBook Homes, LLC and represent the Seller. 1-24-12


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Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas