Historical Economic Data for Metropolitan Las Vegas

Historical Economic Data for Metropolitan Las Vegas

Year Population Employment Total Personal Income (Millions) Housing Units Permitted Visitor Volume (000s) Gaming Revenue (Millions $)
1980 469,362 215,911 $5,232.4 8,193 11,941.5 $1,617.2
1981 491,620 224,142 $6,024.8 7,597 11,820.8 $1,676.4
1982 507,510 219,083 $6,496.9 6,667 11,633.7 $1,751.5
1983 525,050 221,367 $6,929.1 13,180 12,348.3 $1,932.1
1984 539,030 233,425 $7,552.8 9,561 12,843.4 $2,067.6
1985 562,280 246,633 $8,242.0 9,646 14,194.2 $2,276.3
1986 587,760 262,183 $8,968.1 11,781 15,196.3 $2,431.2
1987 616,650 284,600 $9,852.2 12,452 16,216.1 $2,789.9
1988 661,690 307,600 $11,247.2 26,448 17,199.8 $3,137.9
1989 708,750 340,233 $12,871.1 24,365 18,129.7 $3,440.2
1990 770,280 374,642 $14,726.9 20,704 20,954.4 $4,104.0
1991 835,080 381,875 $16,372.4 17,960 21,315.1 $4,153.0
1992 873,730 388,825 $18,306.0 13,358 21,886.9 $4,379.1
1993 916,837 414,050 $20,118.8 19,108 23,522.6 $4,729.0
1994 990,564 465,225 $22,638.7 25,307 28,214.4 $5,431.8
1995 1,055,435 500,900 $25,155.7 27,239 29,002.1 $5,720.4
1996 1,119,052 546,808 $28,220.5 30,188 29,636.4 $5,783.4
1997 1,193,388 584,633 $31,221.9 28,814 30,464.6 $6,152.3
1998 1,261,150 614,583 $35,148.0 30,391 30,605.1 $6,348.0
1999 1,327,145 661,917 $38,395.6 26,624 33,809.1 $7,211.7
2000 1,394,440 698,433 $42,026.4 26,811 35,849.7 $7,671.1
2001 1,485,855 725,942 $44,006.8 29,668 35,017.3 $7,636.0
2002 1,549,657 730,000 $46,151.2 29,427 35,071.5 $7,630.0
2003 1,620,748 760,208 $50,048.6 36,771 35,540.1 $7,831.3
2004 1,715,337 812,667 $56,465.9 36,434 37,388.8 $8,712.0
2005 1,796,380 871,608 $64,181.4 39,012 38,566.7 $9,717.4
2006 1,874,837 917,292 $68,874.1 33,942 38,914.9 $10,630.5
2007 1,954,319 928,008 $73,040.2 24,069 39,196.8 $10,868.5
2008 1,967,716 912,317 $73,753.1 12,396 37,481.6 $9,796.8
2009 1,952,040 826,892 $69,854.5 5,734 36,351.5 $8,838.3
2010 1,968,831 801,425 $69,317.0 5,577 37,335.4 $8,908.9

Data Sources: Clark County Comprehensive Planning, Nevada State Demographer, US Bureau of Economic Analysis, Local Building Permitting Agencies, Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, State of Nevada Gaming Control Board.



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