Economic Overview of Metropolitan Las Vegas

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Economic Overview of Metropolitan Las Vegas

Hotel Rooms

The room stock in Clark County in 2010 was 148,935 and is expected to increase by 1,000 rooms in 2011 for a total of 149,935 rooms. In 2012, we expect the number of rooms to decrease by 0.10 percent to 149,785 rooms and then to increase by 0.2 percent in 2013 for a total of 150,085 rooms by year end.


The Clark County population estimate for 2011 stands at 1,975,000. This reflects a population increase of 0.3 percent over the 2010 estimate of 1,968,831. In 2012, we expect growth to continue by 0.8 percent and increase slightly to 1.0 percent in 2013. This will bring Clark County's population to 1,990,800 in 2012 and to 2,010,708 in 2013.

Visitor Volume

Visitor volume grew by 4.8 percent in 2011 to 39,127,526 -- an increase of 1,792,100 visitors over the 2010 total of 37,335,426. In 2012, we expect visitor volume to increase at a rate of 5.1 percent to 41,123,030 visitors. In 2013, we expect the number of visitors to increase another 5.3 percent for a total visitor count of 43,302,551.

Gaming Revenue

Clark County gaming revenue for 2011 is estimated to be $9,167.2 million. This reflects a 2.9 percent increase over the 2010 total of $8,890.9 million. In 2012, we expect gaming revenues to increase by 4.0 percent for a total of $9,533.9 million by year's end. In 2013, we expect to see another increase of 3.7 percent for a total "gaming win" of $9,886.76 million.

Data Sources: Clark County Comprehensive Planning, Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, State of Nevada Gaming Control Board.

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