Advantages of a Nevada Corporation

Advantages of a Nevada Corporation

Incorporate in Nevada offers many advantages as a preferred corporate state:
  • Nevada has no state corporate taxes
  • Nevada has no franchise tax
  • Nevada has no tax on corporate shares
  • Nevada has no personal income tax
  • Nevada provides total privacy of shareholders
  • Nevada is the only state without a formal information-sharing agreement with the IRS
  • Nevada is the only state that allows for the issuance of bearer shares
  • Nevada has minimal reporting and disclosure requirements
  • Nevada has nominal annual fees
  • Nevada allows for a one-man corporation
  • Nevada has established case law that prevents easy piercing of the corporate veil
  • Corporate officers and directors can be protected from any personal liability for their lawful acts on behalf of the corporation
  • Stockholders, directors and officers need not live or hold meetings in Nevada , or even be U.S. citizens
  • Only the names and addresses of the officers and directors are on public records. No other information, listings, or minutes of meetings are filed with the State
  • There is no minimum initial capital requirement to incorporate
  • Nevada corporations may issue stock for capital, services, personal property, or real estate. The directors alone may determine the value of any such transactions, and their decision is final


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