最大的 "27" 雇主, 在拉斯维加斯 !!!

TOP "27" BIGGEST Employers IN LAS VEGAS !!!

Mon, Mar 19, 2012 (3 a.m.)
CompanyEmployeesLocal offices/locationsType of businessYear est. locallyTop executive
1MGM Resorts International
3600 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Las Vegas NV, 89109 // 693-7111 • MGMResorts.com
54,25014hotel-casino operator1986Jim Murren, chairman, CEO
2Caesars Entertainment Corp.
1 Caesars Palace Drive
Las Vegas NV, 89109 // 407-6000 • Caesars.com
27,86010hotel-casino operator1966Gary Loveman, chairman, president, CEO
3Station Casinos LLC
1505 S. Pavilion Center Drive
Las Vegas NV, 89135 // 495-3000 • StationCasinos.com
13,00018hotel-casino operator1976Frank Fertitta III, chairman, CEO
4Wynn Resorts
3131 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Las Vegas NV, 89109 // 770-7000 • WynnResorts.com
11,7202hotel-casino operator2005Steve Wynn, chairman, CEO
5Boyd Gaming Corp.
3883 Howard Hughes Parkway
Las Vegas NV, 89169 // 792-7200 • BoydGaming.com
9,3509hotel-casino operator1974Bill Boyd, executive chairman
6Las Vegas Sands Corp.
3355 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Rm. 1A
Las Vegas NV, 89109 // 414-1000 • LasVegasSands.com
8,6302hotel-casino operator1990Sheldon Adelson, chairman, CEO
7Walmart Stores
702 S.W. Eighth St., Ste. 150
Bentonville AR, 72716 // 479-273-4000 • Walmart.com
6,47539retail and discount stores1990Mike Duke, president, CEO
8Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
3708 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Las Vegas NV, 89109 // 698-7000 • CosmopolitanLasVegas.com
5,3301hotel-casino operator2010John Unwin, CEO
9The Valley Health System
2075 E. Flamingo Road
Las Vegas NV, 89119 // 360-9040 • ValleyHealthSystem.org
5,2675acute care hospitals1972Karla Perez, regional vice president
11840 Valley View Road
Eden Prairie MN, 55344 // 952-828-4000 • Supervalu.com
4,02467grocery/drug store operatorDNDCraig Herkert, CEO
11St. Rose Dominican Hospitals
3001 St. Rose Parkway
Henderson NV, 89052 // 616-5000 • StRoseHospitals.org
3,3483hospital operator1947Rod Davis, president, CEO
12Sears Holdings Corp.
3333 Beverly Road
Hoffman Estates IL, 60179 // 847-286-2500 • SearsHoldings.com
2,87216department store chainDNDLou D’Ambrosio, president, CEO
13Target Corp.
1000 Nicollette Mall
Minneapolis MN, 55403 // 612-304-6073 • Target.com
2,68316discount department store chain1970Gregg Steinhafel, president, CEO
14Southwest Airlines
2702 Love Field Drive
Dallas TX, 75235 // 214-792-4000 • Southwest.com
2,6201airlineDNDGary Kelly, CEO
2700 N. Tenaya Way
Las Vegas NV, 89128 // 242-7000 • UHCNevada.com
2,51529healthcare provider, insurance provider1984Donald Giancursio, CEO
16LVH-Las Vegas Hotel & Casino
3000 Paradise Road
Las Vegas NV, 89109 // 732-5111 • TheLVH.com
2,4501hotel-casino operator1969did not disclose
17South Point Hotel
9777 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Las Vegas NV, 89183 // 797-7111 • SouthPointCasino.com
2,4331hotel-casino operator2006Michael Gaughan, owner
18Home Depot
2455 Paces Ferry Road N.W.
Atlanta GA, 30339 // 770-433-8211 • HomeDepot.com
2,20012home improvement storesDNDFrank Blake, chairman, CEO
1000 Lowe’s Blvd.
Mooresville NC, 28117 // 704-758-1000 • Lowes.com
2,05013home improvement stores1997Robert Niblock, chairman, CEO
20NV Energy
6226 W. Sahara Ave.
Las Vegas NV, 89146 // 402-5000 • NVEnergy.com
1,725DNDelectric utility1906Michael Yackira, president, CEO
21Walgreen Co.
200 Wilmot Road
Deerfield IL, 60015 // 847-940-2500 • Walgreens.com
1,57063drug store and pharmacy operatorDNDGreg Wasspm, president, CEO
5918 Stoneridge Mall Road
Pleasanton CA, 94588 // 925-467-3000 • Safeway.com
1,48014grocery store operator1978Steven Burd, president, CEO
23Cox Communications
1700 Vegas Drive
Las Vegas NV, 89106 // 384-8084 • Cox.com
1,265DNDtelecommunications provider1998Patrick Esser, president
3801 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Las Vegas NV, 89109 // 739-2222 • TropLV.com
1,2301hotel-casino operator1957Alex Yemenidjian, CEO
25HealthCare Partners
770 E. Warm Springs Road Suite 240
Las Vegas NV 89119 // 932-8500 • www.hcpnv.com
1,01947medical group1996Sherif Abdou, president, CEO
6700 Via Austi Parkway
Las Vegas NV, 89119 // 222-4444 • CenturyLink.com
90020telecommunications provider2006Jeff Oberschelp, GM
27Allegiant Travel Company
8360 S. Durango Drive
Las Vegas NV, 89113 // 851-7300 • Allegiant.com
8881airline2001Maurice Gallagher, chairman, CEO
Source: VEGAS INC research. It is not the intent of this list to endorse the participants or to imply that the listing of a company indicates its quality. Although every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of VEGAS INC lists, omissions sometimes occur. Please send corrections or additions on company letterhead to Ed Hauth, research associate, VEGAS INC, 2360 Corporate Circle, 3rd Floor, Henderson, NV 89074.



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Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas