Vegas single-family home sales up 18 percent!!!

Vegas single-family home sales up 18 


Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 5:17 a.m.
Real estate agents in Las Vegas say more single-family homes in southern Nevada were sold in February compared with the same month last year, but prices were lower.
The Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors said Thursday that nearly 3,800 single-family homes were sold in February. More than 3,400 homes were sold during the same month last year.
The median price was $121,000, down 5.5 percent from $128,000 a year ago.
Sales of condos and townhomes fell by 5 percent in February. The median price of those units was $60,000, down 3.6 from the previous year.
More than 53 percent of all existing homes sold in Southern Nevada were purchased with cash in February.
Nearly 30 percent of the purchases involved short sales.


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