最大的 "44" 会议, 在拉斯维加斯 !!!


A man in a blue body suit walks into the North Hall during CES Saturday, Jan. 8, 2011, at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
Mon, Jan 2, 2012 (3 a.m.)
1Consumer Electronics ShowCESWeb.org149,529Jan. 6-9, 2011
2Conexpo- Con/AggConExpoConAgg.com118,750March 22-26, 2011
3Automotive Aftermarket Industry WeekSemaShow.com115,000Nov. 1-4, 2011
4National Association of BroadcastersNABShow.org85,000April 11-14, 2011
5aMAGIC International Fall ShowMagicOnline.com75,000Feb. 15-17, 2011
5bMAGIC International Spring ShowMagicOnline.com75,000Aug. 22-24, 2011
7Shooting, Hunting & Outdoor Trade ShowShotShow.org57,535Jan. 18-20, 2011
8International Air Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating ExpositionAHRExpo.com54,000Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2011
9aWorld Market CenterLasVegasMarket.com50,000Jan. 24-28, 2011
9bWorld Market CenterLasVegasMarket.com50,000Aug. 1-5, 2011
11World of ConcreteWorldOfConcrete.com48,554Jan. 18-21, 2011
12ASD Las VegasASDOnline.com45,221Feb. 27-March 2, 2011
13American Dental AssociationADA.org45,000Oct. 10-13, 2011
14ASD Las VegasASDOnline.com34,500July 31-Aug. 3, 2011
15International Esthetics Cosmetics & Spa ConferenceIECSC.com32,000June 18-20, 2011
16International Hospitality WeekInternationalHospitalityWeek.com31,340March 8-10, 2011
17aJCK ShowJCKGroup.com31,000June 3-6, 2011
17bREConICSC.org31,000May 23-25, 2011
19Adult Entertainment ExpoAdultEntertainmentExpo.com30,000Jan. 6-9, 2011
20National Hardware ShowNationalHardwareShow.com29,805May 10-12, 2011
21National Business Aviation AssociationNBAA.org27,008Oct. 10-12, 2011
22International Security ConferenceISCWest.com25,100April 6-8, 2011
23aCosmoprof North AmericaCosmoprofNorthAmerica.com23,000July 31-Aug. 2, 2011
23bPackaging Machinery Manufacturers InstitutePackExpo.com23,000Sept. 26-29, 2011
25Promotional Products Association InternationalPPAI.org20,315Jan. 10-14, 2011
26aLicensing International ExpoLicensingExpo.com20,000June 14-16, 2011
26bInternational Sign AssociationSignExpo.com20,000April 28-30, 2011
26cPower-Gen International ConferencePower-Gen.com20,000Dec. 13-15, 2011
29aSurfacesSurfaces.com18,000Jan. 25-27, 2011
29bInterbike ExpoInterbike.com18,000Sept. 21-23, 2011
29cInteropInterop.com18,000May 8-12, 2011
32aSociety for Human Resource Management (SHRM)SHRM.org17,500June 26-28, 2011
32bVMWARE Inc.VMWorld.com17,500Aug. 29-Sept. 1, 2011
34Kitchen/Bath Industry Show (KBIB)KBIS.com17,324April 26-28, 2011
35aWorld Shoe AssociationWSAShow.com17,000July 27-29, 2011
35bG2E: Global Gaming ExpoGlobalGamingExpo.com17,000Oct. 4-6, 2011
35cInternational Sanitary Supply AssociationISSA.com17,000Oct. 19-21, 2011
38Wedding & Portrait Photographers InternationalWPPI-Online.com16,104Feb. 21-23, 2011
39World Educational Congress for Laundering & DrycleaningCleanShow.com16,000June 6-9, 2011
40aCoverings 2011Coverings.com15,000March 14-17. 2011
40bAssociation of Woodworking & Furnishing SuppliersAWFS.org15,000July 20-23, 2011
42Western Veterinary ConferenceWVC.org14,617Feb. 20-24, 2011
43International Vision ExpoVisionExpoWest.com14,000Sept. 8-10, 2011
44Hospitality Design ExpoHDExpo.com13,551May 18-20, 2011
Source: VEGAS INC research. It is not the intent of this list to endorse the participants or to imply that the listing of a company indicates its quality. Although every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of VEGAS INC lists, omissions sometimes occur. Please send corrections or additions on company letterhead to Ed Hauth, research associate, VEGAS INC, 2360 Corporate Circle, 3rd Floor, Henderson, NV 89074.


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Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas