夜总会是, 拉斯维加斯赌场, 的新的收款机 !!!
夜总会是, 拉斯维加斯赌场, 的新的收款机 !!!

建立在赌博上的一个小镇,在 megaclubs 创建了一个商业模式,即使在经济衰退期间有持续的投资者。
趋势开始不动声色地,然后开始在棕榈酒店雨、 纯在世纪凯撒宫和陶澳门威尼斯人喜欢炸响。一起,他们腻烦寻找一种新的拉斯维加斯放荡的年轻狂欢者。他们的父母和祖父母凡享有一种不同的夜总会 — — 酒、 食品和娱乐来便宜,因为真实赌场回报会稍后在游戏表来 — — 这新的一代拉斯维加斯游客附带口袋里装满了现金和塑料,已准备好花几百,如果不是成千上万美元上酒和机会,来听听著名 Dj 播放他们的房子混合。
赌场老板,持怀疑态度,在第一,不能帮助通知趋势,但和时间他们被撕掉老虎机,感受到夜总会对有利的表中。(其中: 米高梅大中删除家族世仇老虎机,为禁忌超酒廊腾出。)这些数字表明他们创造更多的钱,每平方英尺比赌博设备,颠覆以前的公式,澳门赌场收入最大化。甚至赌场有远见的史蒂夫韦恩,推出拉斯维加斯在 1989 年,当他打开的海市蜃楼 (凡跳舞意味着海豚和娱乐意味着大舞台作品如齐格弗里德和罗伊) 重新定义,现在普遍的娱乐的城市充满着各种各样的它源声势浩大夜总会。
永利了 megaclubs 到另一个级别,当他在 2008 年与 XS 打开喝采。
他的 XS 是一种现象。不少于两年后,他补充说 68 万元移交夜总会 andEncore 海滩俱乐部。
国际都会打开选框 — — 其 megaclub — — 在 2010 年。
多年来,megaclubs 已经成为更多的巨型: 打开 26000 平方英尺,然后纯 36,000 平方英尺,在 2004 年与 2001 年的雨后跟 XS 4 万平方英尺和在 6 万平方英尺的选取框。
选框生成超过 70 亿美元的收入,一个破纪录的数字,在 2011 年,据夜总会及酒吧杂志。在收入方面的国家的贸易出版物的 10 大夜总会,带夸口 8 个,包括在第四次现场的 XS 名列第二、 第三道和纯。
"什么是有趣的那些数字是很多的前 10 名中提到的俱乐部不在拉斯维加斯经营五夜一周,"说杰森斯特劳斯,合伙人诉"陶和字幕是真的当你谈论整体设施正在开放,每周只有两个晚上和一个星期,当您添加的较小的事件的三天。这些俱乐部正在仍然产生这样的收入在一周的几天中。"
"这些是使他们的访问的一个优先事项的夜生活的客户"说布赖恩鲈鱼、 营销对于拉斯维加斯夜生活组,经营喝采海滩俱乐部和移交的执行董事。"有人可能在三星级的房间里呆过一个四星级的房间,或吃饭 25 美元的相对的 100 元餐。然后,他们在做什么,他们的钱剩下来夜总会。"

Nightclubs are the new cash
registers at
Strip casinos
Pure at Caesars Palace on April 19, 2011.
In a town built on gambling, megaclubs have created a business model that has sustained investors even during a recession.
The trend started quietly, then began exploding with the likes of Rain at the Palms, Pure at Caesars Palace and Tao at Venetian. Together, they sated young revelers on the hunt for a new sort of Vegas debauchery. Where their parents and grandparents enjoyed a different sort of nightclub — where booze, food and entertainment came cheap because the real casino payoff would come later at the gaming tables — this new generation of Vegas visitors came with pockets full of cash and plastic, ready to spends hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on liquor and the chance to listen to famous DJs play their house mixes.
Casino bosses, skeptical at first, couldn’t help but notice the trend, and in time they were tearing out slot machines and felt tables in favor of nightclubs. (Among them: MGM Grand removed Family Feud slot machines to make room for Tabu Ultra Lounge.) The numbers showed they were making more money per square foot than gambling devices, upending previous formulas for maximizing casino revenue. Even casino visionary Steve Wynn, who launched the redefining of Las Vegas in 1989 when he opened Mirage (where dancing meant dolphins and entertainment meant big stage productions such as Siegfried & Roy), now trumpets nightclubs as the prevailing source of entertainment in a city filled with all sorts of it.
Money from gambling had been maybe “the best cash register in the building until the clubs came along,” Wynn said when opening Encore.
What happened?
“It’s a sign in the change of tastes of the younger generation that wants to be part of the show, not in the audience,” he said. “They want to be the actors.”
His XS was a phenomenon. Less than two years later, he added the $68 million Surrender nightclub andEncore Beach Club.
Cosmopolitan opened Marquee — its megaclub — in 2010.
Over the years, megaclubs have become more mega: Rain opened in 2001 with 26,000 square feet, then Pure in 2004 at 36,000 square feet, followed by XS at 40,000 square feet and Marquee at 60,000 square feet.
Marquee generated more than $70 million in revenue, a record-breaking figure, in 2011, according to Nightclub & Bar magazine. Of the trade publication’s top 10 nightclubs in the country in terms of revenue, the Strip boasted eight, including XS at number two, the Tao in third and Pure in the fourth spot.
And they weren’t even working at it full time.
“What’s interesting about those figures is that a lot of the clubs mentioned in the top 10 that aren’t in Vegas operate five nights a week,” said Jason Strauss, a partner at v. “Tao and Marquee are really only two nights a week when you talk about the overall facility being open, and three days a week when you add the smaller events. These clubs are still generating that kind of revenue in just a few days a week.”
But during those few days, they’re getting the full attention of younger Vegas visitors.
“These are customers who make nightlife a priority of their visit,” said Bryan Bass, executive director of marketing for Las Vegas Nightlife Group, which operates Encore Beach Club and Surrender. “Someone might stay in a three-star room over a four-star room, or eat a $25 meal as opposed to a $100 meal. Then, what they are doing with the rest of their money is coming to nightclubs.”