穆迪分析师: 拉斯维加斯恢复正在进行

穆迪分析师: 拉斯维加斯恢复正在进行
2012 年 3 月 19 日
9:41 上午


特别酒店数字正在寻求更好,穆迪公司的一份报告中周一说标题为"拉斯维加斯带游戏恢复 Brightens。"

报告指出,在 2011 年,包括 4.3%升拉斯维加斯访客卷 2010年感谢从很大程度上对美国经济改善几个改善的趋势。近 40 万人参观了拉斯维加斯,2011 年,靠近城市的 2007 年的峰值。

穆迪指出在 2011 年有老虎机收入增加了 3.5%,酒店入住,到 83.8%,自 2007 年以来的首次增加增加全市 3.4 个百分点。

没有启用后,2010 年 12 月的国际都会的发展管道中的 megaresorts,现有酒店业主现在面临新的容量较少的竞争。

改善所支持的酒店房间供应低增长哪个给 (现有酒店) 营办商更多定价权,' 穆迪在报告中说。



LVCVA 说,全市,访问者卷一月指数上涨 0.9%,平均每日的酒店房间率提高 6.2%至 113.82 美元 — — 这些类别增加 23 连续个月。

此外,内华达州监管机构说上一月拉斯维加斯博彩业收入先进 29.16%每年的基础上为 623.5 万元。


今年 1 月,通过了 12 个月期间内,亦即是 2011 年 1 月结束前 12 个月比较 2.69%。


Tourists cross the Strip near Caesars Palace on April 28, 2011.

Moody’s analysts: ‘The Las Vegas recovery is under way’

Analysts at Moody's Investors Service in New York have become more optimistic about business conditions

for hotel-casino operators on the Las Vegas Strip.
Hotel numbers in particular are looking better, Moody's said in a report Monday titled "Las Vegas Strip
Gaming Recovery Brightens."
The report notes several improving trends in 2011, including a 4.3 percent rise in Las Vegas visitor volume
from 2010 thanks largely to the improving U.S. economy. Nearly 40 million people visited Las Vegas in 2011,
close to the city's 2007 peak.
Moody's noted that in 2011 there was a 3.5 percent increase in slot machine revenue and a citywide 3.4
percentage point increase in hotel occupancy, to 83.8 percent, the first increase since 2007.
With no megaresorts in the development pipeline following the December 2010 opening of the Cosmopolitan,
owners of existing hotels now face less competition from new capacity.
''The improvements are supported by low growth in hotel room supply, which gives (existing hotel) operators
more pricing power,'' Moody's said in its report.
"After suffering through a deep trough during the recession when visitor volume declined as new capacity
came online, the Las Vegas recovery is under way," Peggy Holloway, a Moody's vice president - senior credit
officer, said in a statement. "Hotels are benefiting from increased visitor numbers that permit higher room
rates, while gaming revenues are recovering, albeit more slowly."
Monday¶s report confirms year-to-year trends for January reported earlier by the Las Vegas Convention and
Visitors Authority.
The LVCVA said that citywide, visitor volume for January was up 0.9 percent and the average daily hotel
room rate improved 6.2 percent to $113.82 — the 23rd consecutive month of increases for these categories.
Also, Nevada regulators said gaming revenue on the Las Vegas Strip in January advanced 29.16 percent on a
year-to-year basis to $623.5 million.
While that increase was driven largely by volatile baccarat play, less-volatile slot machine play is showing slow
but steady growth on Strip.
Through January, it was up 2.69 percent comparing the previous 12 months to the same 12-month period
ending in January 2011


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Crown Resorts Ready to Bid for Cosmopolitan Casino in Las Vegas