拉斯维加斯是还有很多比澳门好 !!!


拉斯维加斯是还有很多比澳门好 !!!

它还是不能匹配它作为旅游目的地,说 UNLV 荣誉退休教授。

威廉 · 汤普森,公共行政的名誉教授和本地赌场业,长期观察寻址拉斯维加斯集团首席执行官 CFO 周四,总结公众介绍了他在做了澳门理工学院 10 月后两个月逗留那里作为访问学者。

汤普森说,拉斯维加斯将受益于澳门的成功,长远来说,因为许多中国游客将最终 trips 南内华达州后进行参观赌场经营的美国拉斯维加斯金沙集团、 永利度假村及美高梅金殿度假酒店国际 iLas。

汤普森说,"它是有趣的虽然澳门也称为 '东方拉斯维加斯',拉斯维加斯从未受到过 '西方的澳门',"。"拉斯维加斯总是已经提前在娱乐、 购物和各种形式的旅游。


在过去的三个或四个几十年,几个赌场场地看到他们的收入下降,因为"球员疲劳"— — 高辊的跌幅交通因为球员轮胎的目标。汤普森说,澳门也是容易受到来自新加坡、 韩国、 菲律宾、 马来西亚、 越南、 印度和日本亚洲竞争加剧。

澳门所可能遭受地震、 海啸或台风中的位置,它也是政治的不稳定地区一次当美国和中国之间的贸易差距可能会成为一个问题。

拉斯维加斯已经随着时间推移,多样化的旅游产品,并表示带收入较小百分比的赌博赢了。汤普森说,1989 年,赌博赢钱占带上生成的收入度假村 59%。2010 年,这一比例下降到 38.7%。

汤普森说,收入归因于赌场玩的百分比是澳门的 90%。

在澳门,主要由中国赌客在百家乐桌在这个城市的 34 赌场,生成的赌场收入很重要,有经营渡过经济衰退的美国公司。汤普森说没有产生在澳门,他怀疑拉斯维加斯金沙、 永利、 美高梅金殿不得不申请破产保护的博彩收入。



汤普森还说是否澳门会发展一个海滩,它能吸引游客,让人花时间在阳光下。他说,澳门应进行有关发展生态旅游、 多走路和骑的可行性研究。

多亏拉斯维加斯金沙集团和威尼斯人澳门,该市已开始招徕业务作为公约 》 目标。汤普森说,澳门也已经成熟医疗旅游的增加,特别是在路氹金光大道和几个专业医疗设施将移动到该市的酒店客房数目

Although Macau has surpassed Las Vegas as the largest generator of gaming revenue in the world, it still can’t match it as a tourism destination, says an emeritus professor at UNLV. And that could eventually hurt the Chinese city.
William Thompson, an emeritus professor of public administration and a longtime observer of the local casino industry, addressed the CEO-CFO Group of Las Vegas Thursday, summarizing a public presentation he made at the Macau Polytechnic Institute in October after a two-month stay there as a visiting scholar.
Thompson said iLas Vegas would benefit from Macau’s success in the long run because many Chinese visitors would eventually make trips to Southern Nevada after visiting casinos operated by American companies Las Vegas Sands, Wynn Resorts and MGM Resorts International.
“It’s interesting that while Macau has also been called ‘the Las Vegas of the East,’ Las Vegas has never been called ‘the Macau of the West,’” Thompson said. “Las Vegas has always been ahead in entertainment, shopping and all forms of tourism.”
Thompson said the tourism infrastructure would enable Las Vegas to maintain its place as an appealing destination while Macau could languish if it doesn’t diversify its product.
Over the past three or four decades, several casino venues have seen their revenue decline because of “player fatigue” — a decline in high-roller traffic because players tire of the destination. Thompson said Macau also was susceptible to increased Asian competition from Singapore, South Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, India and Japan.
Macau is in a location that could suffer in an earthquake, tsunami or typhoon, and it’s also in a volatile political region at a time when trade disparities between the United States and China could become an issue.
Las Vegas has diversified its tourism product over time, and that has resulted in gambling win representing a smaller percentage of Strip revenue. Thompson said in 1989, gambling winnings represented 59 percent of the revenue resorts generated on the Strip. By 2010, that percentage had fallen to 38.7 percent.
Thompson said the percentage of revenue attributed to casino play is 90 percent in Macau.
Casino revenue in Macau, generated primarily by Chinese high-rollers at baccarat tables in the city’s 34 casinos, was important to the American companies operating there to survive the recession. Thompson said had it not been for the gaming revenue generated in Macau, he suspects Las Vegas Sands, Wynn and MGM would have had to file for bankruptcy protection.
Macau could still change course and challenge Las Vegas for tourism revenue if it pursues some infrastructure and philosophical changes.
Thompson said Macau should embrace its history as a Portuguese colony to attract tourists and improve its transportation and pedestrian access. Las Vegas succeeds as a resort city because the Strip is conducive to foot traffic and visitors often make it to five or six casinos every trip. In Macau, most gamblers plant themselves at a single casino and most don’t stay overnight.
Thompson also said if Macau would develop a beach, it could attract tourists who enjoy spending time in the sun. He said Macau should conduct research about the feasibility of developing eco-tours and walking and biking trails.
Thanks to Las Vegas Sands and the Venetian Macao, the city has begun to drum up business as a convention destination. Thompson said Macau also is ripe for medical tourism with the number of hotel rooms increasing, particularly on the Cotai Strip, and several specialty medical facilities moving to the city



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