股市即將大跌,富國銀行的策略師警告 = Stocks are about to plunge, Wells Fargo strategist warns


Stocks are about to plunge, Wells Fargo strategist warns

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Published: Friday, 20 Sep 2013 | 7:24 AM ET
By:  | CNBC Producer
Top Wells Fargo strategist: The S&P is going to 1440
Thursday, 19 Sep 2013 | 1:07 PM ET
Gina Martin Adams of Wells Fargo explains why the market will drop 16 percent by the end of the year, with CNBC's Bertha Coombs and the Futures Now Traders.
Gina Martin Adams is sticking to her guns.
The Wells Fargo strategist has been bearish on stocks all year, even as she watched the S&P 500 add 21 percent. And on Thursday's "Futures Now," Adams reiterated her call that the index would close out the year at 1,440.
"Our target is based on fundamentals," Adams insisted. "We're basing our target on typical valuation measures, given the level of interest rates and also on earnings forecasts. And that's why our target is relatively low."
In fact, "low" is somewhat of an understatement. Adams' target implies that the market will drop 16 percent in little more than three months, erasing everything that stocks gained after the year's first day of trading. This makes her one of the lone bears on the Street.
So what could produce such a dismal fourth quarter for stocks? 
First of all, Adams is highly skeptical about the rally that the market has enjoyed thus far.
"It's all about emotion at this point. The entirety of the S&P 500's increase this year has come via the multiple," Adams said. "It's been simply through the amount that investors are willing to bid up the value of the future earnings stream." 
Indeed, the S&P 500's price-earnings multiple has risen from 17 on Jan. 1 to nearly 20. That means the market has largely been rising due to investors' willingness to pay more for those earnings.
(Read more: Robert Shiller to bulls: 'Don't expect miracles')

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Adams goes on to argue that the recent rise in Treasury yields could put an end to this inclination.
"The multiple is one of the most valuable components" of the rally, and "typical drivers of the multiple are interest rates." So despite the fact that yields have cooled off recently, "simply the fact that we moved from 1.6 [percent] on the 10-year Treasury rate to now the 2.7 [percent] range is a potential tremendous shock over the next six months," Adams contended.
Adams believes that stocks haven't yet digested the rate rally. "Stocks tend to follow rates over time," she said. "Typically, when you get a 100 basis point [or 1 percent] move in Treasury rates, you get a contraction on the P/E multiple on stocks of about a full turn. That, by itself, implies you get something of a 10-percent-plus correction in stocks."
And while the Fed's decision that it wouldn't slow its rate of asset purchases has driven the market to yet another all-time high this week, Adams doesn't believe the surprising announcement will ultimately make a difference.
"Unless bonds can actually rally substantially with the so-called Fed bid, and the Fed is able to manipulate yields significantly lower, the damage has been done, and I think the cat is quite frankly out of the bag."
(Read more: Fed's taper surprise puts jumpy market in limbo)
Couple the rise in rates with slow earnings growth, and Adams believes the market is in for a very tricky fall.
"We're going to have to face the music come October," she said.
—By CNBC's Alex Rosenberg. Follow him on Twitter: @CNBCAlex.


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堪薩斯聯邦準備銀行總裁喬治(Esther George)在曼哈頓政策研究中心(Manhattan Institute forPolicy)表示,聯準會決定維持購債步伐,製造混亂,製造不連貫。喬治是會中唯一投下反對票的理事。
投資人也關注聯邦支出上限逼近,引發的政治角力問題。McQueen Ball & Associates投資長舒茲(BillSchultz)接受電話訪問時表示,「當你檢視政治不確定性,即將到來的混戰,政府確實面臨關門命運,我不知道這如何被市場解讀為利多。」
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AK鋼鐵控股公司(AK Steel Holding Corp.)重挫8%,報4.09美元。這家鋼鐵業者預測,第3季虧損將達每股22美分至27美分,包含和俄亥俄州密德城(Middletown)停爐相關的9美分虧損。(譯者:中央社劉淑琴)1020921


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